
𣳔33: 𣳔33:
遶政府美、𡢐戰爭世界次𠄩、𠬠𩈘美擁護概念民族自決、𩈘恪渃呢拱𣎏關係質製唄各同盟洲歐𧵑𠵴、仍渃㐌𣎏仍宣佈[[帝國]]對唄各屬地𫇰𧵑戶。戰爭冷指爫復雜添位置𧵑美、役美擁護過程飛實民化得賠吏凭媒關心𧵑戶對唄事欄𢌌𧵑主義共産吧仍參望戰略𧵑聯搊在洲歐。𠬠數同盟[[NATO]]肯定哴屬地空級朱戶飭命經濟吧軍事𦓡𡀮空𣎏伮時聯盟方西𠱊散吔。𧵆如畢哿各同盟洲歐𧵑美調信哴[[屬地]]𠱊空級事結合𡨌原料吧市場得保衛對唄行化成品𧵑戶、自𪦆𠱊堅結各屬地唄洲歐。<ref>[http://history.state.gov/milestones/1945-1952/AsiaandAfrica Decolonization of Asia and Africa, 1945-1960, Office of the Historian, Bureau of Public Affairs, United States Department of State], trích:"While the United States generally supported the concept of national self-determination, it also had strong ties to its European allies, who had imperial claims on their former colonies. The Cold War only served to complicate the U.S. position, as U.S. support for decolonization was offset by American concern over communist expansion and Soviet strategic ambitions in Europe. Several of the NATO allies asserted that their colonial possessions provided them with economic and military strength that would otherwise be lost to the alliance. Nearly all of the United States' European allies believed that after their recovery from World War II their colonies would finally provide the combination of raw materials and protected markets for finished goods that would cement the colonies to Europe."</ref>
遶政府美、𡢐戰爭世界次𠄩、𠬠𩈘美擁護概念民族自決、𩈘恪渃呢拱𣎏關係質製唄各同盟洲歐𧵑𠵴、仍渃㐌𣎏仍宣佈[[帝國]]對唄各屬地𫇰𧵑戶。戰爭冷指爫復雜添位置𧵑美、役美擁護過程飛實民化得賠吏凭媒關心𧵑戶對唄事欄𢌌𧵑主義共産吧仍參望戰略𧵑聯搊在洲歐。𠬠數同盟[[NATO]]肯定哴屬地空級朱戶飭命經濟吧軍事𦓡𡀮空𣎏伮時聯盟方西𠱊散吔。𧵆如畢哿各同盟洲歐𧵑美調信哴[[屬地]]𠱊空級事結合𡨌原料吧市場得保衛對唄行化成品𧵑戶、自𪦆𠱊堅結各屬地唄洲歐。<ref>[http://history.state.gov/milestones/1945-1952/AsiaandAfrica Decolonization of Asia and Africa, 1945-1960, Office of the Historian, Bureau of Public Affairs, United States Department of State], trích:"While the United States generally supported the concept of national self-determination, it also had strong ties to its European allies, who had imperial claims on their former colonies. The Cold War only served to complicate the U.S. position, as U.S. support for decolonization was offset by American concern over communist expansion and Soviet strategic ambitions in Europe. Several of the NATO allies asserted that their colonial possessions provided them with economic and military strength that would otherwise be lost to the alliance. Nearly all of the United States' European allies believed that after their recovery from World War II their colonies would finally provide the combination of raw materials and protected markets for finished goods that would cement the colonies to Europe."</ref>

自𢆥1943、Washington㐌𣎏𠬠數行動於[[東南亞]]𥆂𢶢吏軍日棟於低。胡志明認𧡊花旗當㦖棟𦠘𡀔𡘯欣於區域[[太平洋]]、翁㐌爫畢哿底貼立媒關係唄花旗通過役解究各非攻及難𥪝戰爭唄日本、空級各信息情報朱花旗、宣傳𢶢日。𢷮吏、機關情報花旗[[OSS]](U.S Office of Strategic Services)𠢞拖醫際、空級武器、方便聯絡、顧問吧訓練軍隊規模𡮈朱越盟。<ref>Maurice Isserman, John Stewart Bowman (2003, 1992), ''Vietnam War'', trang 4-5, ISBN 0-8160-4937-8.</ref>
自𢆥1943、漥生散㐌𣎏𠬠數行動於[[東南亞]]𥆂𢶢吏軍日棟於低。胡志明認𧡊花旗當㦖棟𦠘𡀔𡘯欣於區域[[太平洋]]、翁㐌爫畢哿底貼立媒關係唄花旗通過役解究各非攻及難𥪝戰爭唄日本、空級各信息情報朱花旗、宣傳𢶢日。𢷮吏、機關情報花旗[[OSS]](U.S Office of Strategic Services)𠢞拖醫際、空級武器、方便聯絡、顧問吧訓練軍隊規模𡮈朱越盟。<ref>Maurice Isserman, John Stewart Bowman (2003, 1992), ''Vietnam War'', trang 4-5, ISBN 0-8160-4937-8.</ref>
𣈜28𣎃2𢆥1946、主席[[胡志明]]㐌寄書朱總統美[[Harry S. Truman|Harry Truman]]叫噲美乾帖緊急底擁護𪤍獨立嫩𥘷𧵑越南<ref>[http://www.archives.gov/global-pages/larger-image.html?i=/historical-docs/doc-content/images/ho-chi-minh-telegram-truman-l.jpg&c=/historical-docs/doc-content/images/ho-chi-minh-telegram-truman.caption.html Letter from Ho Chi Minh to President Harry S. Truman, 02/28/1946 (ARC Identifier: 305263); Joint Chiefs of Staff. Office of Strategic Services. (06/13/1942 - 10/01/1945); Records of the Office of Strategic Services, 1919 - 1948; Record Group 226; National Archives.]</ref>、仍空得回答爲美䀡胡志明羅 "𢬣𡗂𧵑[[第三國際|國際共産]]" 𢧚彿盧利叫噲互助𪤍獨立𧵑越南。<ref>Why Vietnam, Archimedes L.A Patti, Nxb Đà Nẵng, 2008, trang 622 - 623</ref> 𡳳𣎃9𢆥1946、美𪮊畢哿各人員情報在越南衛渃、枕𠞹聯係唄政府胡志明。<ref>Why Vietnam, Archimedes L.A.Patti, trang 595, Nxb Đà Nẵng, 2008</ref>
[[Tập tin:Domino theory.png|nhỏ|trái|450px|Chuỗi sự kiện Domino được Mỹ giả định tại châu Á]]
