
𣳔75: 𣳔75:
* 劉終先、(婦𧵑博古):出身自階級工人、加入黨共產𠓀局殘殺在上海吧得㨳𨖅俄學習𦊚𢆥。在俄、劉終先﨤吧結婚𢭲博古。
* 劉終先、(婦𧵑博古):出身自階級工人、加入黨共產𠓀局殘殺在上海吧得㨳𨖅俄學習𦊚𢆥。在俄、劉終先﨤吧結婚𢭲博古。
* 鄧穎超、婦𧵑周恩來、婆被病痨𦟊𣦍欺局長征扒頭。
* 鄧穎超、婦𧵑周恩來、婆被病痨𦟊𣦍欺局長征扒頭。
== 𥪝文化大眾 ==
事件呢㐌得𥩯成phim傳形、𥙩𠸛[[長征 (phim傳形中國)|長征]]、𢆥2001、𣎏事參加𧵑唐國強、劉鯨、王伍福、陳道明。

== 註釋 ==
== 註釋 ==
== 參考 ==
* 中國𧵑毛澤東、作者進士Ralf Berhorst、𠊛譯潘巴、GEO EPOCHE出版。
* [http://antg.cand.com.vn/News/PrintView.aspx?ID=67176 仍英雄忱𣵰𧵑局萬里長征]
*[http://bee.net.vn/channel/1984/201105/ai-la-nguoi-cung-Nguyen-Son-tham-gia-Van-ly-Truong-chinh-1798318/ 唉羅𠊛共阮山參加萬里長征?]
== 聯結外 ==
* [http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/english/doc/2004-06/25/content_342539.htm Key events of the Long March] - Account of the Long March by the ''China Daily''
* [http://in.news.yahoo.com/061022/43/68om7.html Retracing Mao's Long March] - Report on the modern expeditions by Jocelyn & McEwen along the Long March routes
* [http://litten.de/fulltext/loma.pdf The Myth of the 'Turning-Point': Towards a New Understanding of the Long March] - Article from 'Bochumer Jahrbuch zur Ostasienforschung' (2001)
* [http://users.erols.com/mwhite28/longmarc.htm Map of primary route] - Locations of the First Front Army route with dates
* [http://www.china.org.cn/english/features/changzheng/176174.htm Long March routes of the Communist armies] - Routes of the First, Second and Fourth Front Armies
* [http://www.chinaculture.org/gb/en_travel/2003-09/24/content_34014.htm Site of the Zunyi Conference] - Photo and description of the building in which the landmark 1935 politburo meeting was held
* [http://www.iisg.nl/~landsberger/ldb.html Luding Bridge] - Chinese propaganda posters depicting the battle for Luding Bridge
* [http://www.china.org.cn/english/features/changzheng/175679.htm The Long March: 70 Years On] - Official Chinese website marking the 70th Anniversary of Long March
* [http://english.pladaily.com.cn/site2/special-reports/hjczsl/index.htm "Marking the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Red Army's Long March"] - ''PLA Daily'' (Peoples Liberation Army newspaper) web portal
* [http://www.longmarchspace.com/english/e-discourse2.htm Art on a Long March] - A contemporary art exhibition presented for the public at sites along the route of Mao's Long March.
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKW0G0WcwiQ&feature=related 排喝主題phim《萬里長征》(中國)]
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToNOKrljq00&feature=related 摘段phìm《長征》(電影中國)、摹寫陣越瀧湘江]

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