
𣳔76: 𣳔76:

== 名冊各排喝 ==
=== 名冊𠬠數排喝 ===
* 唉外𫅩𨷯
* 𩙻𠫾𠶀𣵰
* 凴𢙱
* 排歌𤔷朱仍殻𠊛(Ballad to the dead)
* 邊𠁀咻𣔲
* 㴜𠦳秋於吏
* 㴜𢖵(You said goodbye)
* 㴜𤏬(Bright sea;co-writing with 范仲求)
* 別叨源瑰(Unbeknownst to me, the root)
* 𩺨蓬㗒
* 𩺨空羅𩺨
* 𦊚務𠊝蘿(Four seasons of change)
* 歌謠媄(A mother's lament)
* 𫅩垌和平(Fields of peace)
* 𪶼𣾾(Sand and dust)
* 隻蘿秋派(The withering fall leaf)
* 𪤾𠬠𨉟過舖(An afternoon promenade of solitude)
* 𪀄𠁑𩂀𩅹(Buried under the rain)
* 朱𠁀𪨀恩(Grace onto life)
* 朱𠬠𠊛𦣰𨑜(Song for the fallen)
* 𣗓𠅎念信(Still believing)
* 𣗓𤷱𥋏迷(A dream that hasn't been eroded)
* 𡥵𥉴群吏(The remaining eye)
* 𣎏𠬠𣳔瀧㐌過𠁀(A river that died)
* 𣎏𦖑𠁀迎(Tilting life)
* 群唉𢭲唉/群碎𢭲唉
* 群买尋膮(Forever seeking)
* 群𣎏包𣈜(Not many days are left)
* 群𧡊𩈘𠊛
* 群歲鬧朱㛪
* 𦹵㤕賒拸(Sway sorrow weeds)
* 𫏱𨑜實近(Bend down, come closer)
* 拱𠱊𪀄㵢(Eventual withering)
* 𡳳共朱𠬠情𢞅(The end of a romance)
* 民咱吻𤯨
* 𨁪蹎地唐/㗂喝夜闌(Footprints in Eden / The singing of the Hyacinth)
* 艷𠸗(Over the old tower)
* 遊牧(Nomad)
* 𥩯吏𠊛、𥩯吏家(People rebuilt, houses rebuilt)
* 大博歟𣎀(A Lullaby of Cannons for the Night)
* 抵𩙍捲𠫾(Gone with the wind)
* 𣎀/𣎀紅(Night / Pink Night)
* 𣎀𣊾𣉹、𣎀𣈕(This night, tomorrow night)
* 𣎀𧡊咱羅𣴜睹(One night I saw me as a waterfall)
* 𠫾买𨕭塘(Never-ending road)
* 朵花無常(Evanescent bloom)
* 短曲秋河內(Ditty for Hanoi's autumn)
* 𫁧𣎏𠬠𣈜(Waiting for the day)
* 堆𥉴鬧𨷑𠚢(Open your eyes)
* 童謠和平(The rhymth of Peace)
* 𣫲懞唉、𣫲儀礙
* 㛪群𢖵咍㛪㐌𪬳(Do you still remember or have you forgotten?)
* 㛪㐌朱碎瓢𡗶(The heaven you have brought to me)
* 㛪𠫾𠬃吏𡥵塘
* 㛪𠫾𥪝𪤾(In the evening you walk)
* 㛪咳𥄭𠫾(Love, you should sleep)
* 㛪羅花紅𡮈(You are a little rose)
* 近如念絶望(A resemblance of despair)
* 家財𧵑媄(A mother's legacy)
* 湥麗千秋(A tear of eternity)
* 湥渃𥉴朱圭鄉(A tear for my homeland)
* 噲𠸛𦊚務(Conjure up the four seasons)
* 合蘿務春
* 下𤽸(We're not apart)
* 𠄩𨑮務𪱆𨓐(Twenty seasons of strange sunlight)
* 行香𨕭𡑖高/𠊛𠫾行香𨕭頂高(Pilgrimage)
* 喝𨕭仍殻𠊛(Singing over the dead)、not to be confused with《排歌𤔷朱仍殻𠊛》
* 咳顧𪡷(Let's try to wait)
* 咳據𣡝如每𣈜(Just be happy like any other day)
* 咳哭𠫾㛪(Just cry, my dear)
* 咳𥆾吏(Just look back and see)
* 咳𤯨用碎(Just live my life for me)
* 咳𢞅膮𠫾(Give me your hand)
* 和平羅粓襖(Peace means weal)
* 花黄貝度(The flowers that were once golden bright)
* 花春歌(Spring flowers song)
* 𣋚𠉞碎𦖑(Today I heard)
* 化、柴棍、河內(Hue - Saigon - Hanoi)
* 玄話媄(Legendary mother)
* 𤐡𡗶𣷠濛
* 吏近𢭲膮(Closer)
* 𣵰𨤧坭呢(So silent here)
* 𠳒𢞂聖
* 𠳒媄歟(A mother's lullaby)
* 𠳒於舖𧗱
* 𠳒歟𣎀(Night's lullaby)
* 𠳒千秋噲(Eternity's calling)
* 媄𠬃𡥵𠫾/塘賒萬𨤵
* 𠿃紅桃(Rosy Lips)
* 每𣈜碎撰𠬠念𣡝(Each day I choose joy)
* 𠬠𣇜𤏬務春(A spring morning)
* 𠬠𡎝𠫾𧗱(Circle of life)
* 𠬠𠞺洸𣎏
* 𠬠𣈜如每𣈜(A day just like any other day)
* 𠬠𣈜榮光(A day of glory)
* 務襖關(The season of coffins)
* 務夏𦤾(The summer's arrived)
* 𩅹紅(Pink rain)
* 務復回/吀𪡷仍𪩪𣈕(The season of recuperation / Waiting for tomorrow mornings)
* 𪱆水晶(Crystal sunlight)
* 呢㛪據𢖵(Do you remember?)
* 偶然(Perchance)
* 𣈜𨱽𨕭圭鄉(A long day in the Motherland)
* 𣈜𣈕低平安(Peaceful future)
* 𣈜𧗱(Returning home)
* 𣈜𠸗欺群𡮣(Childhood days)
* 𦖑仍殘派(The sound of evanescing)
* 𦖑㗂萬重
* 𥄭𠫾𡥵(Go to sleep, my child)
* 寤言務冬(A winter fable)
* 𠊛𡥵𡛔越南𪤻黄(A yellow-skinned Vietnamese girl)
* 𠊛𦓅㛪𡮣(An old person, a baby)
* 𠊛𧗱俸𢖵(Now i can see)
* 月歌(The lunar song)
* 𥆾仍務秋𠫾(Watch the autumns go by)
* 𢖵務秋河內(Missing Hanoi's autumn)
* 如𫅩𪅫𩙻(Like a flying crane)
* 如𪀄優蘩(Anguishing bird)
* 如𠬠𠳒支𪮏(Words of good-bye)
* 如𠬠𧿭傷(A wound)
* 如㗂呲𨱽(As a deep sigh)
* 仍𡥵𥉴陳間(The earthly eyes)
* 仍湥𧖱𦭦葻(The blooming of the blood drops)
* 溺𪮏𠦳重(Grabbing hands over a thousand miles)
* 𨁡𥿺𪮏𡘯(Circle of unity)
* 於路/𡎝暫(Temporary stay)
* 坏破(Withering)
* 福音𢞂(Dolorous Gospel)
* 圭鄉𤴬𨤼(Motherland in pain)
* 瓊香(Scent of the ephemeral bloom)
* 𠚢同𡧲午
* 耒如𥒥𤷙梧(Not gone at all)
* 𣑎麗歟𠊛
* 歟𠁀㐌𠅎(Lullaby for a lost life)
* 歟𠁀𠫾𥏌(Lullaby to life)
* 歟㛪(Lullaby for you)
* 歟㛪曾𫆻春濃/歟买𠦳𢆥(Eternal lullaby)
* 歟咱𫕖𢢯/𠿃鬧咳群𦹳(Lullaby for a sorrowful me)
* 歟情(Lullaby for love)
* 棱𠸗㐌𢬱(Your old woods are closed)
* 哰𥉴媄𣗓𣡝?
* 𠱊群唉(Who will remain?)
* 㳥𧗱叨(To where the waves depart)
* 咱𠫾𥩯旗
* 謝恩(Thanksgiving)
* 咱沛𧡊𩈘𡗶(We must be able to see the Sun)
* 咱決沛𤯨(We have to survive & live)
* 咱𧡊之𣎀𠉞(What have we seen tonight?)
* 𣇫𩺨羅𠊛(The time when Bong was in human form)
* 天使挷傾(詩鄭宮)
* 傷𠬠𠊛(Loving someone)
* 進退兩難(All ways closed off)
* 情歌𧵑𠊛𠅎智(Ballad of an insane person or Love song of a deranged woman)
* 情曲於排
* 情𢖵(Memory)
* 情愁(Sorrowful love)
* 情賒(Distant love)
* 情㤕賒𣃣
* 情𢞅尋𧡊
* 碎㐌𠅎(I have lost)
* 碎當𢠯𦖑/厭𣵰呲𨱽(I am listening / Quiet sigh)
* 碎㗒𣫲絶望(Despair not, dear me)
* 碎歟㛪𥄭(My lullaby for you)
* 碎𠱊𠫾探(I shall visit)
* 碎𠱊𢖵(I shall remember)
* 碎尋碎/碎羅之?(I search for myself / Who am I?)
* 𥪝餒𤴬情旗
* 自情曲
* 曾𣈜過(Everyday through)
* 歲𥒥𢞂(Stone's age of despair)
* 歲𠁀𣷠濛
* 歲𥘷越南(Vietnamese Youths)
* 想哴㐌𪬳(Thought that I have forgotten)
* 㲸眉(Misty eyes or Tearing lashes)
* 吻𣎏㛪邊𠁀(I still have you in my life)
* 吻𢖵局𠁀
* 黄派𠓀𡉦
* 𧗱𥪝𤂬源(Back to the fountainhead)
* 𧗱探𠃅場𠸗(Revisiting the old school)
* 𧿭𡑝沉
* 爲碎懃𧡊㛪𢞅𠁀
* 園𠸗(Garden of the past)
* 賒𨁪𩈘𡗶(Far from the sun)
* 青𢙱沛殘
* 吀朱碎(Please give me)
* 吀𩈘𡗶𥄭安(Please let the sun sleep)
* 吀把嫧𠊛
* 𢞅𨁪𪯗遶(Fading love)

== 注釋 ==
== 注釋 ==