
𣳔13: 𣳔13:
== Unnamed ==
== Unnamed ==

I read the counties’ list, “Danh sách các nước có quan hệ ngoại giao với nước CHXHCN Việt Nam”, on Vietnam MoFA. I noticed the Vietnamese readings of the countries are also listed.  
I read the county list on MoFA Vietnam, "Danh sách các nước có quan hệ ngoại giao với nước CHXHCN Việt Nam". I noticed the Vietnamese readings of the countries are also listed.  

For example, Slovenia → Xlô-ven-ni-a, Ukraine →U-crai-na, Brunei → Bru-nây….  
For example, Slovenia → Xlô-ven-ni-a, Ukraine →U-crai-na, Brunei → Bru-nây….  

I want to transliterate these loan words into Hannom. Because there is no double-consonant in modern Vietnamese, so we would converse these double-consonants into 1 or 2 syllables.  
I want to transliterate these loan words into Hannom. Because there is no double-consonant in modern Vietnamese, so we would converse these double-consonants into 1 or 2 syllables. Is there any rule for this conversion?

I assumed that
1. Add a "ư" after the first consonent. e.g. Xlô → Xư lô, crai → cư rai, Bru → Bư ru...
2. Add a "ơ" after the first consonent. e.g. Xlô → Xơ lô, crai → cơ rai, Bru → Bơ ru...
3. Ignore the second consonent. e.g. Xlô → Xô, crai → cai, Bru → Bu...
Which rule do you think is reasonable? And do you have any other advice?
Cam on cac ban!
P.s. The county list on MoFA Vietnam: http://www.mofa.gov.vn/mofa/cn_vakv/



Hello! If possible, could you please let me know what Nom(s) you will use for "XXX"(1. XXX; 2. XXX) when you are writing an article in Nom? Thanks in advance! Cam on ban.


한 알의 밀이 땅에 떨어져 죽지 아니하면 한 알 그대로 있고 죽으면 많은 열매를 맺느니라.

Nếu hột giống lúa mì kia, chẳng chết sau khi gieo xuống đất, thì cứ ở một mình; nhưng nếu chết đi, thì kết quả được nhiều.




I read the county list on MoFA Vietnam, "Danh sách các nước có quan hệ ngoại giao với nước CHXHCN Việt Nam". I noticed the Vietnamese readings of the countries are also listed.

For example, Slovenia → Xlô-ven-ni-a, Ukraine →U-crai-na, Brunei → Bru-nây….

I want to transliterate these loan words into Hannom. Because there is no double-consonant in modern Vietnamese, so we would converse these double-consonants into 1 or 2 syllables. Is there any rule for this conversion?

I assumed that

1. Add a "ư" after the first consonent. e.g. Xlô → Xư lô, crai → cư rai, Bru → Bư ru...

2. Add a "ơ" after the first consonent. e.g. Xlô → Xơ lô, crai → cơ rai, Bru → Bơ ru...

3. Ignore the second consonent. e.g. Xlô → Xô, crai → cai, Bru → Bu...

Which rule do you think is reasonable? And do you have any other advice?

Cam on cac ban!

P.s. The county list on MoFA Vietnam: http://www.mofa.gov.vn/mofa/cn_vakv/