The standard Nom has been determined according to the 格撰𡨸喃 and Voting rule. Please leave a message here if you disagree with the result.
- Sky: 仍
- Nguyễn Việt Khôi: I think ĐỂ is ancient Sino-Viet pronunciation of 置, 抵 is a 假借 and I think it's ok. 條 is a correct Sino-Viet. I use 扔 for NHƯNG, 仍 for NHỮNG, just to avoid confusion. I usually 𪦆 for ĐÓ. THỂ: I use 體 instead of 勢 just for a possible 假借 picked from Sino-Viet words. I have no idea about its etymology.
- SaigonSarang: 忍 → 仍--SaigonSarang (討論) 03:56 𣈜30𣎃10𢆥2013 (EDT)
- 仍Những - 2013/12/5 8:51am 朱愛國
- KeepOut: 忍
朱愛國: I use only 仍 for nhưng, 忍 for những, 條 for điều, 勢 for thể, 抵 for để. --SaigonSarang (討論) 01:28 𣈜1𣎃11𢆥2013 (EDT)