
番版𠓨𣅶20:06、𣈜20𣎃11𢆥2013𧵑124.64.131.158 (討論)
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𨀈𬧐: 調向尋檢

Check mark đã確定xác định The standard Nom has been determined according to the 格撰𡨸喃 and Voting rule. Please leave a message here if you disagree with the result.

結果kết quả

  • 𨕭 = 4

討論thảo luận𠬃票bỏ phiếu

  • Nguyễn Việt Khôi: I prefer: trên-𨕭, lên-𨖲 dưới-𠁑, xuống-𡬈 August 19 at 5:00pm
  • Sky: I use the same characters as Nguyễn Việt Khôi

August 19 at 5:52pm