
𣳔1: 𣳔1:
[[集信:Art-portrait-collage 2.jpg|thumb|right|250px|自𧣳𱘃𨑗邊債蹺朝針銅壺:𠬠幅真容自畫𧵑[[援釧・萬・㭲]]<small>(Vincent van Gogh)</small>、𠬠幅像𧵑𠊛𡊲圭<small>(chokwe)</small>於[[洲非]]、𠬠份幅幀『事𫥨𠁀𧵑神衛女』𧵑[[燦咜𬰹・勃卑𩂏璃]]<small>(Sandro Botticelli)</small>、吧幅像𠬠𡥵獅子[[日]]。]]
[[建築]]常得䀡𱺵𠬠𥪝各藝術視覺;雖然、𥞖如各類型藝術裝置、伮連關𦤾事創造𫥨各物體朱仍功用具體、𠬠條完全恪貝、拯限、繪畫。[[音樂]]、[[劇]]、[[電影]]、[[𢱖]]、吧仍門[[藝術呈演]]、吧仍方便傳通相作、得包𠁟𥪝𠬠定義㢅欣𧗱藝術、噲終𱺵[[各門藝術]]。<ref>"Art, n. 1". OED Online. December 2011. Oxford University Press. [[kịch|http://www.oed.com]]. (Accessed ngày 26 tháng 2 năm 2012.); {{Chú thích web|url = http://oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/art|tiêu đề = Definition of art|nhà xuất bản = Oxford Dictionaries|ngày truy cập = ngày 1 tháng 1 năm 2013|archive-date = 2013-01-14|archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20130114020131/http://oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/art|url-status = dead}}</ref>
仍特徵𧵑藝術固体得模寫𤳸事扒着(反映局𤯩)、事體現、𢭂傳感觸、吧仍品質恪。沖𠁸時期[[主義浪漫]]、藝術得䀡𱺵「𠬠領域特別𧵑心識𡥵𠊛、𥞖如宗教吧科學」。<ref>{{Chú thích web |tác giả=Gombrich, Ernst. |url=http://www.gombrich.co.uk/showdoc.php?id=68 |tiêu đề=Press statement on The Story of Art |ngày truy cập=ngày 18 tháng 11 năm 2008 |năm=2005 |work=The Gombrich Archive |url lưu trữ=https://web.archive.org/web/20081006212330/http://www.gombrich.co.uk/showdoc.php?id=68 |ngày lưu trữ=2008-10-06 |url-status=dead }}</ref>
嚜怞空固𠬠定義統一𧗱藝術、<ref>{{chú thích sách |title=Definition of Art |author=Stephen Davies |publisher=Cornell University Press |year=1991 |isbn=978-0-8014-9794-0}}</ref><ref>{{chú thích sách |title=Artworks: Definition, Meaning, Value |url=https://archive.org/details/artworksdefiniti0000stec |author=Robert Stecker |publisher=Pennsylvania State University Press |year=1997 |isbn=978-0-271-01596-5}}</ref><ref>{{chú thích sách |title=Theories of Art Today |editor=Noël Carroll |publisher=University of Wisconsin Press |year=2000 |isbn=978-0-299-16354-9}}</ref>吧格𥆾𧗱伮拱𠊝𢷮蹺時間、仍模寫終𧗱藝術提及𦤾意想𧗱𠬠技能技術咍智想像扒源自可能作動𧵑𡥵𠊛<ref>[http://www.ubc.ca/okanagan/creative/links/arthistory/What is Art.html What Is Art?<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref> 吧事創造。<ref name="britannica.com">[http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/630806/art art - Britannica Online Encyclopedia<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref>
本質𧵑藝術、吧仍[[概念]]固連關如創造吧事演繹、得考察𥪝[[美學]]-𠬠蘔𧵑[[哲學]]。<ref>Kennick, William ed, and W. E. Kennick, ''Art and philosophy: readings in aesthetics'' New York: St. Martin's Press, 1979, pp. xi–xiii. ISBN 0-312-05391-6.</ref>
[[集信:Teke bottle.JPG|thumb|200px|𠬠丐瓶[[𠱋安多]]<small>(Rwanda)</small>世紀20。外價值裝置𫥨、各作品藝術固体固應用寔際。]]{{wide image|Wang Ximeng - A Thousand Li of River (Bridge).jpg|1250px|全景𠬠份𧵑『萬里江山圖』、𠬠幅幀自世紀12𧵑畫士王希孟時茹宋}}裊𥙩𠬠義㢅𧗱藝術、時仍作品藝術㐌存在自𣇫開生[[類𠊛]]:自/藝術時前史朱𦤾藝術當代;雖然、𠬠數理說界限概念藝術𠓨仍社會現代於方西。<ref>{{Cite journal|last=Elkins|first=James|date=December 1995|title=Art History and Images That Are Not Art (with previous bibliography)|url=https://www.jstor.org/stable/3046136|journal=The Art Bulletin|volume=77|issue=4|pages=553–571|doi=10.2307/3046136|issn=0004-3079|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20210818132943/https://www.jstor.org/stable/3046136|archive-date=18 August 2021|quote=Non-Western images are not well described in terms of art, and neither are medieval paintings that were made in the absence of humanist ideas of artistic value|url-status=live}}</ref>義頭先吧㢅一𧗱藝術𱺵義近一貝義羅星𫇰𦓡固体譯喃那𱺵「技能」咍「事𫩟嘹」。仍詞[[㗂英]]扒源自義尼𧵑詞「art」包𠁟「artifact」(造作)、「artificial」(人造)、「artifice」(才𫩟嘹)、「medical arts」(技術醫科)、吧「military arts」(藝術軍事)。雖然、𥪝格用亙𣈜、詞「art」固𡗉義恪、吧只𠬠數𱺵連關𦤾義[[詞源]]𧵑伮。
義次𠄩吧近低欣𧵑詞「art」(藝術)如𠬠格𢪏𨄠𧵑「creative art」(藝術創造)咍「fine art」(美术)𫥨𠁀自頭世紀17。<ref>[[Shorter Oxford English Dictionary|The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary]]. ''[[Oxford University Press]]'', Oxford 1993, p. 120</ref>「fine art」指𠬠技能得使用抵演寫[[事創造]]𧵑𠊛藝士、咍抵𢵱㨳感官審美於看者、咍抵遣看者抵心𦤾仍次咍惵欣。
本質𧵑藝術得哲家𠶋𠹗・蘊海唵<small>(Richard Wollheim)</small>模寫如𱺵「𠬠𥪝仍問題𠸗𫢩𠸋捻扒一𧵑文化𡥵𠊛」。<ref>Richard Wollheim, ''Art and its objects'', p.1, 2nd edn, 1980, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-29706-0</ref>藝術得定義如𱺵方便抵演達咍𢭂傳感觸吧意想、𠬠方便抵勘破吧賞識仍要素形式、咍如事扒着<small>(mimesis)</small>或體現。藝術如𱺵事扒着固源㭲漊賒𥪝哲學[[阿𦀎綀卒]]<small>(Aristotle)</small>。<ref name=Levinson5/> [[𩙍安・𦛞𠡚・𡻖・𡍄舒|𡍄舒]]<small>(Goethe)</small>定義藝術藝術如𱺵𠬠「丐恪」、蹺義𱺵𠬠「[[自然]]次𠄩」。<ref>[[Karl Robert Mandelkow]], Bodo Morawe: Goethes Briefe. 2. edition. Vol. 1: Briefe der Jahre 1764-1786. ''Christian Wegner'', Hamburg 1968, p. 487 (German)</ref>[[𥼕・尼古萊𠲖𩼢・尊綀綷|𥼕・尊綀綷]]<small>(Leo Tolstoy)</small>䀡藝術𱺵𠬠格使用仍意義非直接抵傳達自𠊛尼𨖅𠊛恪。<ref name="Levinson5">Jerrold Levinson, ''The Oxford Handbook of Aesthetics'', Oxford university Press, 2003, p5. ISBN 0-19-927945-4</ref>陛呢𪸽蘇・基𬰹𩂏<small>(Benedetto Croce)</small>吧𬰹𠯴・䇶・古玲𠃝<small>(Robin George Collingwood)</small>朱哴藝術演寫感觸、吧各作品藝術由妬主要存在𥪝智想𧵑𠊛創造。<ref>Jerrold Levinson, ''The Oxford Handbook of Aesthetics'', Oxford university Press, 2003, p16. ISBN 0-19-927945-4</ref><ref>R.G. Collingwood's view, expressed in ''The Principles of Art'', is considered in Wollheim, op. cit. 1980 pp 36–43</ref>理說藝術𨑜樣𱺵𠬠形式論固源㭲𥪝哲學𧵑[[伊麻𦬻燕・干絲]]<small>(Immanuel Kant)</small>、吧得𬰹捈・𠱀𡃄<small>(Roger Fry)</small>吧基㕸・𥾽<small>(Clive Bell)</small>發展𥪝頭世紀20。近低欣、各茹思想𠹾影響𧵑[[麻辰・海堤𡍄]]<small>(Martin Heidegger)</small>㐌演解藝術如𱺵方便𦓡𠬠共同發展朱正𨉟抵造媒場朱事自體現吧事演繹。<ref>[[Martin Heidegger]], "The Origin of the Work of Art", in ''Poetry, Language, Thought'', (Harper Perennial, 2001). See also [[Maurice Merleau-Ponty]], "Cézanne's Doubt" in ''The Merleau-Ponty Aesthetics Reader'', Galen Johnson and Michael Smith (eds), (Northwestern University Press, 1994) and [[John Russon]], ''Bearing Witness to Epiphany'', (State University of New York Press, 2009).</ref>
[[集信:Venus of Willendorf frontview retouched 2.jpg|thumb|upright|left|[[衛女威縺沓]]吧基㕸・𥾽<small>(Willendorf)</small>、澄22。000–24。000𢆥𠓀。]]
仍幅像、[[幀𡎟洞|形𦘧𨑗𡎟洞]]、形𦘧𨑗𥒥、吧記號刻𨑗𥒥𧵑後期時代𥒥𫇰固年代曠40。000𢆥𠓀㐌得尋𧡊、扔意義正確𧵑衆吻常空得確定統一爲固過𠃣通信𧗱仍𡋂文化㐌造𫥨衆。仍現物藝術𱍿𠁀一世界-𠬠刷各𤿭𧎜﨡𡮈、得鑟𡓇固澄75.000𢆥歲——得尋𧡊於𠬠𡎟洞於南非。<ref>Radford, Tim. "[http://education.guardian.co.uk/higher/artsandhumanities/story/0,12241,1193237,00.html World's Oldest Jewellery Found in Cave]". ''Guardian Unlimited'', ngày 16 tháng 4 năm 2004. Truy cập ngày 18 tháng 1 năm 2008.</ref>仍物固体㐌得用抵撜墨固年代澄100.000𢆥拱㐌得尋𧡊。<ref>{{chú thích báo| url=http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/14/science/14paint.html | work=The New York Times | title=African Cave Yields Evidence of a Prehistoric Paint Factory | date=ngày 13 tháng 10 năm 2011}}</ref>
[[時期開創]]於方西世紀18朱𧡊仍體現𫼳性藝術𧗱仍念信唯理𧗱宇宙、拱如仍𢠩想𧗱𠬠世界後君主、如𥪝格模寫𧵑[[威廉・巴儮]]<small>(William Blake)</small>𧗱[[Isaac Newton|𫼩尊]]<small>(Newton)</small>、咍𥪝仍幅幀宣傳𧵑[[角・壘・多𥿀]]<small>(Jacques-Louis David)</small>。仍格體現尼被[[主義浪漫]]辭𠬃𢖖󠄁妬;潮流藝術㵋尼注意𦤾仍形影𧗱㓶𧣲感觸吧性個體𧵑𡥵𠊛、如固体𧡊𥪝仍小說𧵑[[𡍄舒]]。𡳳世紀19、𠊛些證見事𫥨𠁀𧵑𠬠刷仍潮流藝術如[[主義經院|藝術經院]]、[[詩象徵|場派象徵]]、[[場派印象]]、吧[[場派野獸]]、拱仍場派恪。
歷史藝術世紀20𱺵句𡀯𧗱仍可体無限吧𧗱局尋檢仍標準㵋、標準尼㵋𫥨𠁀時被標準恪欣越過。爲勢𦓡仍觀念𧵑[[場派印象]]、[[主義表現|場派表現]]、場派野獸、[[立體|場派立體]]、[[多多|場派多多]]<small>(Dada)</small>、[[場派超寔]]、云云…、常空存在𱍿𢖖󠄁欺𫥨𠁀。仍相作𨑗範圍全球𣈜𪨈加增𥪝時期尼遣仍𡋂文化恪影響𬨠藝術洲歐。仍作品幀刻楛日本(呠𠹾影響𤳸技術洲歐時[[復興]])㐌固影響當計𬨠場派表現吧仍發展𢖖󠄁妬。𧗱𢖖󠄁、雕刻洲非影響𬨠創作𧵑啤迦搊<small>(Picasso)</small>吧、於𠬠𣞪度𱜢妬、仍創作𧵑[[盎𠶋・麻㘉]]<small>(Henri Matisse)</small>。相似、方西固影響窒𡘯𬨠藝術方東世紀19吧20;仍思想固源㭲方西如[[主義共產]]吧[[主義後現代]]作動窒猛𬨠風格藝術。
𥪝姅𡳳世紀20、主義現代、局尋檢真理固性質理想、羕𡊲朱認識𧗱性不可𧵑伮。主義相對(relativism)㐌得執認如𠬠真理空体挃𠬃得;條尼引𦤾時期藝術當代(contemporary art)吧批評後現代(postmodern criticism)、於妬文化世界吧歷史得䀡𱺵仍樣式空凝變𢷮。欣𡛤、仍恪別𡧲各𡋂文化𣈜𪨈被扠𥊚;𠬠數𠊛朱哴𣈜𫢩固𨤰適合欣欺吶𧗱𠬠𡋂文化全球、𠊝爲𱺵仍𡋂文化區域。
* Shiner, Larry. "[[The Invention of Art: A Cultural History]]". Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003. ISBN 978-0-226-75342-3
* [[Arthur Danto]], ''The Abuse of Beauty: Aesthetics and the Concept of Art.'' 2003
* Dana Arnold and Margaret Iverson (eds.) ''Art and Thought''. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 2003
* Michael Ann Holly and Keith Moxey (eds.) ''Art History Aesthetics Visual Studies''. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2002. ISBN 0300097891
* John Whitehead. ''Grasping for the Wind'', 2001
* Noel Carroll, ''Theories of Art Today'', 2000
* Evelyn Hatcher, ed. ''Art as Culture: An Introduction to the Anthropology of Art'', 1999
* Catherine de Zegher (ed.). ''Inside the Visible''. MIT Press, 1996
* Nina, Felshin, ed. ''But is it Art?'' 1995
* Stephen Davies, ''Definitions of Art'', 1991
* Oscar Wilde, "Intentions".
* Jean Robertson and Craig McDaniel, "Themes of Contemporary Art, Visual Art after 1980", 2005
* Shiner, Larry. ''The Invention of Art: A Cultural History''. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003. ISBN 978-0-226-75342-3
* Augros, Robert M., Stanciu, George N. ''The New Story of Science: mind and the universe'', Lake Bluff, Ill.: Regnery Gateway, 1984. ISBN 0-89526-833-7 (this book has significant material on art and science)
* [[Richard Wollheim]], ''Art and its Objects: An introduction to aesthetics''. New York: Harper & Row, 1968. {{OCLC|1077405}}
* [[Carl Jung]], ''Man and His Symbols''. London: Pan Books, 1978. ISBN 0330253212
* [[Benedetto Croce]]. ''Aesthetic as Science of Expression and General Linguistic'', 2002
* [[Władysław Tatarkiewicz]], ''A History of Six Ideas: an Essay in Aesthetics'', translated from the Polish by [[Christopher Kasparek]], The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1980
* [[Leo Tolstoy]], "[[What Is Art?]]", 1897
* Kleiner, Gardner, Mamiya and Tansey. ''Art Through the Ages, Twelfth Edition (2 volumes)'' Wadsworth, 2004. ISBN 0-534-64095-8 (vol 1) and ISBN 0-534-64091-5 (vol 2)
* [[Kristine Stiles]] và [[Peter Selz]], eds. ''Theories and Documents of Contemporary Art''. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986
* Florian Dombois, Ute Meta Bauer, Claudia Mareis and Michael Schwab, eds. ''Intellectual Birdhouse. Artistic Practice as Research''. London: Koening Books, 2012. ISBN 9783863351182
* Dana Arnold and Margaret Iverson, eds. ''Art and Thought''. London: Blackwell, 2003. ISBN 0631227156
* Antony Briant and [[Griselda Pollock]], eds. ''Digital and Other Virtualities: Renegotiating the image''. London and NY: I.B.Tauris, 2010. ISBN 9781441676313
* Carol Armstrong and Catherine de Zegher, eds. ''Women Artists at the Millennium''. Massachusetts: October Books/The MIT Press, 2006. ISBN 026201226X
* [http://xtf.lib.virginia.edu/xtf/view?docId=DicHist/uvaBook/tei/DicHist1.xml;chunk.id=dv1-17;toc.depth=1;toc.id=dv1-17;brand=default;query=Dictionary%20of%20the%20History%20of%20Ideas#1 ''Art and Play'' from the Dictionary of the History of ideas]
* [http://witcombe.sbc.edu/ARTHLinks.html In-depth directory of art] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20160306190600/http://witcombe.sbc.edu/arthlinks.html |date=2016-03-06 }}
* ''[http://www.sil.si.edu/digitalcollections/art-design/artandartistfiles/ Art and Artist Files in the Smithsonian Libraries Collection]'' (2005) Smithsonian Digital Libraries
* [http://www.ahds.ac.uk/ Visual Arts Data Service (VADS)] – online collections from UK museums, galleries, universities
* [http://www.RevolutionArtMagazine.com/ RevolutionArt – Art magazines with worldwide exhibitions, callings and competitions]
* {{sep entry|art-definition|The Definition of Art|Thomas Adajian}}
{{Wikipedia|Nghệ thuật}}


自𧣳𱘃𨑗邊債蹺朝針銅壺:𠬠幅真容自畫𧵑援釧・萬・㭲(Vincent van Gogh)、𠬠幅像𧵑𠊛𡊲圭(chokwe)洲非、𠬠份幅幀『事𫥨𠁀𧵑神衛女』𧵑燦咜𬰹・勃卑𩂏璃(Sandro Botticelli)、吧幅像𠬠𡥵獅子





嚜怞空固𠬠定義統一𧗱藝術、[3][4][5]吧格𥆾𧗱伮拱𠊝𢷮蹺時間、仍模寫終𧗱藝術提及𦤾意想𧗱𠬠技能技術咍智想像扒源自可能作動𧵑𡥵𠊛[6] 吧事創造。[7]




裊𥙩𠬠義㢅𧗱藝術、時仍作品藝術㐌存在自𣇫開生類𠊛:自/藝術時前史朱𦤾藝術當代;雖然、𠬠數理說界限概念藝術𠓨仍社會現代於方西。[9]義頭先吧㢅一𧗱藝術𱺵義近一貝義羅星𫇰𦓡固体譯喃那𱺵「技能」咍「事𫩟嘹」。仍詞㗂英扒源自義尼𧵑詞「art」包𠁟「artifact」(造作)、「artificial」(人造)、「artifice」(才𫩟嘹)、「medical arts」(技術醫科)、吧「military arts」(藝術軍事)。雖然、𥪝格用亙𣈜、詞「art」固𡗉義恪、吧只𠬠數𱺵連關𦤾義詞源𧵑伮。

義次𠄩吧近低欣𧵑詞「art」(藝術)如𠬠格𢪏𨄠𧵑「creative art」(藝術創造)咍「fine art」(美术)𫥨𠁀自頭世紀17。[10]「fine art」指𠬠技能得使用抵演寫事創造𧵑𠊛藝士、咍抵𢵱㨳感官審美於看者、咍抵遣看者抵心𦤾仍次咍惵欣。


本質𧵑藝術得哲家𠶋𠹗・蘊海唵(Richard Wollheim)模寫如𱺵「𠬠𥪝仍問題𠸗𫢩𠸋捻扒一𧵑文化𡥵𠊛」。[11]藝術得定義如𱺵方便抵演達咍𢭂傳感觸吧意想、𠬠方便抵勘破吧賞識仍要素形式、咍如事扒着(mimesis)或體現。藝術如𱺵事扒着固源㭲漊賒𥪝哲學阿𦀎綀卒(Aristotle)[12] 𡍄舒(Goethe)定義藝術藝術如𱺵𠬠「丐恪」、蹺義𱺵𠬠「自然次𠄩」。[13]𥼕・尊綀綷(Leo Tolstoy)䀡藝術𱺵𠬠格使用仍意義非直接抵傳達自𠊛尼𨖅𠊛恪。[12]陛呢𪸽蘇・基𬰹𩂏(Benedetto Croce)吧𬰹𠯴・䇶・古玲𠃝(Robin George Collingwood)朱哴藝術演寫感觸、吧各作品藝術由妬主要存在𥪝智想𧵑𠊛創造。[14][15]理說藝術𨑜樣𱺵𠬠形式論固源㭲𥪝哲學𧵑伊麻𦬻燕・干絲(Immanuel Kant)、吧得𬰹捈・𠱀𡃄(Roger Fry)吧基㕸・𥾽(Clive Bell)發展𥪝頭世紀20。近低欣、各茹思想𠹾影響𧵑麻辰・海堤𡍄(Martin Heidegger)㐌演解藝術如𱺵方便𦓡𠬠共同發展朱正𨉟抵造媒場朱事自體現吧事演繹。[16]









時期開創於方西世紀18朱𧡊仍體現𫼳性藝術𧗱仍念信唯理𧗱宇宙、拱如仍𢠩想𧗱𠬠世界後君主、如𥪝格模寫𧵑威廉・巴儮(William Blake)𧗱𫼩尊(Newton)、咍𥪝仍幅幀宣傳𧵑角・壘・多𥿀(Jacques-Louis David)。仍格體現尼被主義浪漫辭𠬃𢖖󠄁妬;潮流藝術㵋尼注意𦤾仍形影𧗱㓶𧣲感觸吧性個體𧵑𡥵𠊛、如固体𧡊𥪝仍小說𧵑𡍄舒。𡳳世紀19、𠊛些證見事𫥨𠁀𧵑𠬠刷仍潮流藝術如藝術經院場派象徵場派印象、吧場派野獸、拱仍場派恪。

歷史藝術世紀20𱺵句𡀯𧗱仍可体無限吧𧗱局尋檢仍標準㵋、標準尼㵋𫥨𠁀時被標準恪欣越過。爲勢𦓡仍觀念𧵑場派印象場派表現、場派野獸、場派立體場派多多(Dada)場派超寔、云云…、常空存在𱍿𢖖󠄁欺𫥨𠁀。仍相作𨑗範圍全球𣈜𪨈加增𥪝時期尼遣仍𡋂文化恪影響𬨠藝術洲歐。仍作品幀刻楛日本(呠𠹾影響𤳸技術洲歐時復興)㐌固影響當計𬨠場派表現吧仍發展𢖖󠄁妬。𧗱𢖖󠄁、雕刻洲非影響𬨠創作𧵑啤迦搊(Picasso)吧、於𠬠𣞪度𱜢妬、仍創作𧵑盎𠶋・麻㘉(Henri Matisse)。相似、方西固影響窒𡘯𬨠藝術方東世紀19吧20;仍思想固源㭲方西如主義共產主義後現代作動窒猛𬨠風格藝術。

𥪝姅𡳳世紀20、主義現代、局尋檢真理固性質理想、羕𡊲朱認識𧗱性不可𧵑伮。主義相對(relativism)㐌得執認如𠬠真理空体挃𠬃得;條尼引𦤾時期藝術當代(contemporary art)吧批評後現代(postmodern criticism)、於妬文化世界吧歷史得䀡𱺵仍樣式空凝變𢷮。欣𡛤、仍恪別𡧲各𡋂文化𣈜𪨈被扠𥊚;𠬠數𠊛朱哴𣈜𫢩固𨤰適合欣欺吶𧗱𠬠𡋂文化全球、𠊝爲𱺵仍𡋂文化區域。








  1. "Art, n. 1". OED Online. December 2011. Oxford University Press. http://www.oed.com. (Accessed ngày 26 tháng 2 năm 2012.); [1]
  2. [2]。The Gombrich Archive。
  3. Stephen Davies。[ Definition of Art]。Cornell University Press。
  4. Robert Stecker。Artworks: Definition, Meaning, Value。Pennsylvania State University Press。
  5. [ Theories of Art Today]。University of Wisconsin Press。
  6. is Art.html What Is Art?
  7. art - Britannica Online Encyclopedia
  8. Kennick, William ed, and W. E. Kennick, Art and philosophy: readings in aesthetics New York: St. Martin's Press, 1979, pp. xi–xiii. ISBN 0-312-05391-6.
  9. 板㑄:Cite journal
  10. The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford University Press, Oxford 1993, p. 120
  11. Richard Wollheim, Art and its objects, p.1, 2nd edn, 1980, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-29706-0
  12. 12,0 12,1 Jerrold Levinson, The Oxford Handbook of Aesthetics, Oxford university Press, 2003, p5. ISBN 0-19-927945-4
  13. Karl Robert Mandelkow, Bodo Morawe: Goethes Briefe. 2. edition. Vol. 1: Briefe der Jahre 1764-1786. Christian Wegner, Hamburg 1968, p. 487 (German)
  14. Jerrold Levinson, The Oxford Handbook of Aesthetics, Oxford university Press, 2003, p16. ISBN 0-19-927945-4
  15. R.G. Collingwood's view, expressed in The Principles of Art, is considered in Wollheim, op. cit. 1980 pp 36–43
  16. Martin Heidegger, "The Origin of the Work of Art", in Poetry, Language, Thought, (Harper Perennial, 2001). See also Maurice Merleau-Ponty, "Cézanne's Doubt" in The Merleau-Ponty Aesthetics Reader, Galen Johnson and Michael Smith (eds), (Northwestern University Press, 1994) and John Russon, Bearing Witness to Epiphany, (State University of New York Press, 2009).
  17. Radford, Tim. "World's Oldest Jewellery Found in Cave". Guardian Unlimited, ngày 16 tháng 4 năm 2004. Truy cập ngày 18 tháng 1 năm 2008.
  18. African Cave Yields Evidence of a Prehistoric Paint Factory。The New York Times。ngày 13 tháng 10 năm 2011。


  • Shiner, Larry. "The Invention of Art: A Cultural History". Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003. ISBN 978-0-226-75342-3
  • Arthur Danto, The Abuse of Beauty: Aesthetics and the Concept of Art. 2003
  • Dana Arnold and Margaret Iverson (eds.) Art and Thought. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 2003
  • Michael Ann Holly and Keith Moxey (eds.) Art History Aesthetics Visual Studies. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2002. ISBN 0300097891
  • John Whitehead. Grasping for the Wind, 2001
  • Noel Carroll, Theories of Art Today, 2000
  • Evelyn Hatcher, ed. Art as Culture: An Introduction to the Anthropology of Art, 1999
  • Catherine de Zegher (ed.). Inside the Visible. MIT Press, 1996
  • Nina, Felshin, ed. But is it Art? 1995
  • Stephen Davies, Definitions of Art, 1991
  • Oscar Wilde, "Intentions".
  • Jean Robertson and Craig McDaniel, "Themes of Contemporary Art, Visual Art after 1980", 2005


  • Shiner, Larry. The Invention of Art: A Cultural History. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003. ISBN 978-0-226-75342-3
  • Augros, Robert M., Stanciu, George N. The New Story of Science: mind and the universe, Lake Bluff, Ill.: Regnery Gateway, 1984. ISBN 0-89526-833-7 (this book has significant material on art and science)
  • Richard Wollheim, Art and its Objects: An introduction to aesthetics. New York: Harper & Row, 1968. 板㑄:OCLC
  • Carl Jung, Man and His Symbols. London: Pan Books, 1978. ISBN 0330253212
  • Benedetto Croce. Aesthetic as Science of Expression and General Linguistic, 2002
  • Władysław Tatarkiewicz, A History of Six Ideas: an Essay in Aesthetics, translated from the Polish by Christopher Kasparek, The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1980
  • Leo Tolstoy, "What Is Art?", 1897
  • Kleiner, Gardner, Mamiya and Tansey. Art Through the Ages, Twelfth Edition (2 volumes) Wadsworth, 2004. ISBN 0-534-64095-8 (vol 1) and ISBN 0-534-64091-5 (vol 2)
  • Kristine StilesPeter Selz, eds. Theories and Documents of Contemporary Art. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986
  • Florian Dombois, Ute Meta Bauer, Claudia Mareis and Michael Schwab, eds. Intellectual Birdhouse. Artistic Practice as Research. London: Koening Books, 2012. ISBN 9783863351182
  • Dana Arnold and Margaret Iverson, eds. Art and Thought. London: Blackwell, 2003. ISBN 0631227156
  • Antony Briant and Griselda Pollock, eds. Digital and Other Virtualities: Renegotiating the image. London and NY: I.B.Tauris, 2010. ISBN 9781441676313
  • Carol Armstrong and Catherine de Zegher, eds. Women Artists at the Millennium. Massachusetts: October Books/The MIT Press, 2006. ISBN 026201226X

