

1 byte added 、 𣈜12𣎃6𢆥2015
𣳔28: 𣳔28:

遶政府美、𡢐戰爭世界次𠄩、𠬠𩈘美擁護概念民族自決、𩈘恪渃呢拱𣎏關係質製唄各同盟洲歐𧵑𠵴、仍渃㐌𣎏仍宣佈[[帝國]]對唄各屬地𫇰𧵑戶。戰爭冷指爫復雜添位置𧵑美、役美擁護過程飛實民化得賠吏凭媒關心𧵑戶對唄事欄𢌌𧵑主義共産吧仍參望戰略𧵑聯搊在洲歐。𠬠數同盟[[NATO]]肯定哴屬地空級朱戶飭命經濟吧軍事𦓡𡀮空𣎏伮時聯盟方西𠱊散吔。𧵆如畢哿各同盟洲歐𧵑美調信哴[[屬地]]𠱊空級事結合𡨌原料吧市場得保衛對唄行化成品𧵑戶、自𪦆𠱊堅結各屬地唄洲歐。<ref>[http://history.state.gov/milestones/1945-1952/AsiaandAfrica Decolonization of Asia and Africa, 1945-1960, Office of the Historian, Bureau of Public Affairs, United States Department of State], trích:"While the United States generally supported the concept of national self-determination, it also had strong ties to its European allies, who had imperial claims on their former colonies. The Cold War only served to complicate the U.S. position, as U.S. support for decolonization was offset by American concern over communist expansion and Soviet strategic ambitions in Europe. Several of the NATO allies asserted that their colonial possessions provided them with economic and military strength that would otherwise be lost to the alliance. Nearly all of the United States' European allies believed that after their recovery from World War II their colonies would finally provide the combination of raw materials and protected markets for finished goods that would cement the colonies to Europe."</ref>
遶政府美、𢖖戰爭世界次𠄩、𠬠𩈘美擁護概念民族自決、𩈘恪渃呢拱𣎏關係質製唄各同盟洲歐𧵑𠵴、仍渃㐌𣎏仍宣佈[[帝國]]對唄各屬地𫇰𧵑戶。戰爭冷指爫復雜添位置𧵑美、役美擁護過程飛實民化得賠吏凭媒關心𧵑戶對唄事欄𢌌𧵑主義共産吧仍參望戰略𧵑聯搊在洲歐。𠬠數同盟[[NATO]]肯定哴屬地空級朱戶飭命經濟吧軍事𦓡𡀮空𣎏伮時聯盟方西𠱊散吔。𧵆如畢哿各同盟洲歐𧵑美調信哴[[屬地]]𠱊空級事結合𡨌原料吧市場得保衛對唄行化成品𧵑戶、自𪦆𠱊堅結各屬地唄洲歐。<ref>[http://history.state.gov/milestones/1945-1952/AsiaandAfrica Decolonization of Asia and Africa, 1945-1960, Office of the Historian, Bureau of Public Affairs, United States Department of State], trích:"While the United States generally supported the concept of national self-determination, it also had strong ties to its European allies, who had imperial claims on their former colonies. The Cold War only served to complicate the U.S. position, as U.S. support for decolonization was offset by American concern over communist expansion and Soviet strategic ambitions in Europe. Several of the NATO allies asserted that their colonial possessions provided them with economic and military strength that would otherwise be lost to the alliance. Nearly all of the United States' European allies believed that after their recovery from World War II their colonies would finally provide the combination of raw materials and protected markets for finished goods that would cement the colonies to Europe."</ref>

自𢆥1943、漥生散㐌𣎏𠬠數行動於[[東南亞]]𥆂𢶢吏軍日棟於低。胡志明認𧡊花旗當㦖棟𦠘𡀔𡘯欣於區域[[太平洋]]、翁㐌爫畢哿底貼立媒關係唄花旗通過役解究各非攻及難𥪝戰爭唄日本、空級各信息情報朱花旗、宣傳𢶢日。𢷮吏、機關情報花旗[[OSS]](U.S Office of Strategic Services)𠢞拖醫際、空級武器、方便聯絡、顧問吧訓練軍隊規模𡮈朱越盟。<ref>Maurice Isserman, John Stewart Bowman (2003, 1992), ''Vietnam War'', trang 4-5, ISBN 0-8160-4937-8.</ref>
自𢆥1943、漥生散㐌𣎏𠬠數行動於[[東南亞]]𥆂𢶢吏軍日棟於低。胡志明認𧡊花旗當㦖棟𦠘𡀔𡘯欣於區域[[太平洋]]、翁㐌爫畢哿底貼立媒關係唄花旗通過役解究各非攻及難𥪝戰爭唄日本、空級各信息情報朱花旗、宣傳𢶢日。𢷮吏、機關情報花旗[[OSS]](U.S Office of Strategic Services)𠢞拖醫際、空級武器、方便聯絡、顧問吧訓練軍隊規模𡮈朱越盟。<ref>Maurice Isserman, John Stewart Bowman (2003, 1992), ''Vietnam War'', trang 4-5, ISBN 0-8160-4937-8.</ref>
𣳔37: 𣳔37:
𣈜28𣎃2𢆥1946、主席[[胡志明]]㐌寄書朱總統美[[Harry S. Truman|Harry Truman]]叫噲美乾帖緊急底擁護𪤍獨立嫩𥘷𧵑越南<ref>[http://www.archives.gov/global-pages/larger-image.html?i=/historical-docs/doc-content/images/ho-chi-minh-telegram-truman-l.jpg&c=/historical-docs/doc-content/images/ho-chi-minh-telegram-truman.caption.html Letter from Ho Chi Minh to President Harry S. Truman, 02/28/1946 (ARC Identifier: 305263); Joint Chiefs of Staff. Office of Strategic Services. (06/13/1942 - 10/01/1945); Records of the Office of Strategic Services, 1919 - 1948; Record Group 226; National Archives.]</ref>、仍空得回答爲美䀡胡志明羅 "𢬣𡗂𧵑[[第三國際|國際共産]]" 𢧚彿盧利叫噲互助𪤍獨立𧵑越南。<ref>Why Vietnam, Archimedes L.A Patti, Nxb Đà Nẵng, 2008, trang 622 - 623</ref> 𡳳𣎃9𢆥1946、美𪮊畢哿各人員情報在越南衛渃、枕𠞹聯係唄政府胡志明。<ref>Why Vietnam, Archimedes L.A.Patti, trang 595, Nxb Đà Nẵng, 2008</ref>
𣈜28𣎃2𢆥1946、主席[[胡志明]]㐌寄書朱總統美[[Harry S. Truman|Harry Truman]]叫噲美乾帖緊急底擁護𪤍獨立嫩𥘷𧵑越南<ref>[http://www.archives.gov/global-pages/larger-image.html?i=/historical-docs/doc-content/images/ho-chi-minh-telegram-truman-l.jpg&c=/historical-docs/doc-content/images/ho-chi-minh-telegram-truman.caption.html Letter from Ho Chi Minh to President Harry S. Truman, 02/28/1946 (ARC Identifier: 305263); Joint Chiefs of Staff. Office of Strategic Services. (06/13/1942 - 10/01/1945); Records of the Office of Strategic Services, 1919 - 1948; Record Group 226; National Archives.]</ref>、仍空得回答爲美䀡胡志明羅 "𢬣𡗂𧵑[[第三國際|國際共産]]" 𢧚彿盧利叫噲互助𪤍獨立𧵑越南。<ref>Why Vietnam, Archimedes L.A Patti, Nxb Đà Nẵng, 2008, trang 622 - 623</ref> 𡳳𣎃9𢆥1946、美𪮊畢哿各人員情報在越南衛渃、枕𠞹聯係唄政府胡志明。<ref>Why Vietnam, Archimedes L.A.Patti, trang 595, Nxb Đà Nẵng, 2008</ref>
[[Tập tin:Domino theory.png|nhỏ|trái|450px|綴事件Domino得美假定在洲亞]]
[[Tập tin:Domino theory.png|nhỏ|trái|450px|綴事件Domino得美假定在洲亞]]
欣姅、𣦍自𢆥1949、𡢐欺[[内戰中國]]結束、接𪦆羅[[戰爭朝鮮]]𤑫弩、傾向身聯搊在𡗉渃[[世界妸拉|妸拉]]、介政客美感𧡊𢗼怍衛瀾㳥擁護主義共産在各渃[[世界次𠀧]]。美勤𣎏關係同盟唄法底設立事斤凭唄飭孟𧵑搊曰於[[洲歐]]𡢐戰爭世界次𠄩。政府美迻𠚢[[説domino]]、遶𪦆美朱哴𡀮𠬠國家𠫾遶主義共産、各國家身方西吝近𠱊 "被砥𡃏"。自立論𪦆、美扒頭援助朱法𥪝局戰𢶢吏[[越盟]](只渃[[越南民主共和]])、𠬠組織/政權戶朱羅𣎏聯係唄聯搊吧中國。雖然𠓀𢆥1950、越南民主共和空得聯搊吧中國公認<ref>[http://www.mofa.gov.vn/vi/cn_vakv/ Thông tin cơ bản về các nước, khu vực và quan hệ với Việt Nam], Bộ Ngoại giao Việt Nam</ref>吧拱空認得事互助芾自𠄩渃呢。
欣姅、𣦍自𢆥1949、𢖖欺[[内戰中國]]結束、接𪦆羅[[戰爭朝鮮]]𤑫弩、傾向身聯搊在𡗉渃[[世界妸拉|妸拉]]、介政客美感𧡊𢗼怍衛瀾㳥擁護主義共産在各渃[[世界次𠀧]]。美勤𣎏關係同盟唄法底設立事斤凭唄飭孟𧵑搊曰於[[洲歐]]𢖖戰爭世界次𠄩。政府美迻𠚢[[説domino]]、遶𪦆美朱哴𡀮𠬠國家𠫾遶主義共産、各國家身方西吝近𠱊 "被砥𡃏"。自立論𪦆、美扒頭援助朱法𥪝局戰𢶢吏[[越盟]](只渃[[越南民主共和]])、𠬠組織/政權戶朱羅𣎏聯係唄聯搊吧中國。雖然𠓀𢆥1950、越南民主共和空得聯搊吧中國公認<ref>[http://www.mofa.gov.vn/vi/cn_vakv/ Thông tin cơ bản về các nước, khu vực và quan hệ với Việt Nam], Bộ Ngoại giao Việt Nam</ref>吧拱空認得事互助芾自𠄩渃呢。

事竟爭戰爭冷唄聯搊羅媒關心𡘯一衛正冊對外𧵑美𥪝仍𢆥1940吧1950、政府Truman吧Eisenhower𣈜強𧿨𢧚𢗼𪿒哴欺各強國洲歐被𠅍各屬地𧵑戶、各黨共産得聯搊擁護𠱊爭得權力𥪝仍國家㵋。調呢𣎏體爫台𢷮杆斤權力國際遶嚮𣎏利朱聯搊吧類𠬃權椎及𠓨源力經濟自同盟𧵑美。各事件茹局鬥爭爭獨立𧵑[[南洋]](1945-1950)、局戰爭𧵑越南𢶢法(1945-1954)、吧主義社會民族公開𧵑[[埃及]](1952)吧[[伊㘓]](1951)㐌譴花旗𠰷啷哴各渃㵋爭獨立𠱊擁護聯搊、𣦍哿欺政府㵋空直接聯係唄聯搊。由丕、花旗㐌使用各繪究助、互助技術吧對欺羅哿乾帖軍事直接底互助各力量𢶢共身方西在各國家㵋獨立於[[世界次𠀧]]。<ref>[http://history.state.gov/milestones/1945-1952/AsiaandAfrica Decolonization of Asia and Africa, 1945-1960, Office of the Historian, Bureau of Public Affairs, United States Department of State]</ref>
事竟爭戰爭冷唄聯搊羅媒關心𡘯一衛正冊對外𧵑美𥪝仍𢆥1940吧1950、政府Truman吧Eisenhower𣈜強𧿨𢧚𢗼𪿒哴欺各強國洲歐被𠅍各屬地𧵑戶、各黨共産得聯搊擁護𠱊爭得權力𥪝仍國家㵋。調呢𣎏體爫台𢷮杆斤權力國際遶嚮𣎏利朱聯搊吧類𠬃權椎及𠓨源力經濟自同盟𧵑美。各事件茹局鬥爭爭獨立𧵑[[南洋]](1945-1950)、局戰爭𧵑越南𢶢法(1945-1954)、吧主義社會民族公開𧵑[[埃及]](1952)吧[[伊㘓]](1951)㐌譴花旗𠰷啷哴各渃㵋爭獨立𠱊擁護聯搊、𣦍哿欺政府㵋空直接聯係唄聯搊。由丕、花旗㐌使用各繪究助、互助技術吧對欺羅哿乾帖軍事直接底互助各力量𢶢共身方西在各國家㵋獨立於[[世界次𠀧]]。<ref>[http://history.state.gov/milestones/1945-1952/AsiaandAfrica Decolonization of Asia and Africa, 1945-1960, Office of the Historian, Bureau of Public Affairs, United States Department of State]</ref>
𣳔46: 𣳔46:
[[Tập tin:Dien bien phu castor or siege deinterlaced.png|nhỏ|trái|220px|𣛠𩙻C-119𧵑美當且領袖法在[[陣奠邊府]]𢆥1954。]]
[[Tập tin:Dien bien phu castor or siege deinterlaced.png|nhỏ|trái|220px|𣛠𩙻C-119𧵑美當且領袖法在[[陣奠邊府]]𢆥1954。]]
遶材料樓𠄼角、政府美"''擁護願望獨立民族在東南亞"''𥪝𪦆𣎏越南、仍唄條件領導𧵑仍茹渃㵋空擁護主義共産、戶特别擁護役成立各"''[[茹渃非共産]]"''穩定𥪝區域接夾中國。遶[[説Domino]]、美互助各同盟在東南亞底𢶢吏各封嘲𦓡戶朱羅"''力量共産㦖統治洲亞𤲂𢢅𣞻民族。"''<ref name="pent5">[http://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/pentagon/pent5.htm The Pentagon Papers, Chapter 2, "U.S. Involvement in the Franco-Viet Minh War, 1950-1955", MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT - Harry S. Truman President], trích "Recognition by the United States of the three legally constituted governments of Vietnam, Laos' and Cambodia appears desirable and in accordance with United States foreign policy for several reasons. ''Among them are: encouragement to national aspirations under non-Communist leadership for peoples of colonial areas in Southeast Asia; the establishment of stable non-Communist governments in areas adjacent to Communist China''; ''support to a friendly country which is also a signatory to the North Atlantic Treaty; and as a demonstration of displeasure with Communist tactics which are obviously aimed at eventual domination of Asia, working under the guise of indigenous nationalism''."</ref>美束逐法讓部主義民族在越南、仍𩈘恪戶空體割援助朱法爲𠱊𠅍𠫾同盟𠓀仍媒𢗼𡘯欣在洲歐。縿吏、正冊𧵑美𪞍2𩈘空相釋:𠬠𩈘互助𠊛法戰勝𥪝局戰𢶢[[越盟]] - 卒一羅𤲂事指導𧵑美、𩈘恪美預見𡢐欺戰勝、𠊛法𠱊 - 𠬠革高哿 - 𪮊塊東洋。<ref>[http://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/pentagon/pent5.htm The Pentagon Papers, Chapter 2, "U.S. Involvement in the Franco-Viet Minh War, 1950-1955"], Trích "''The U.S.-French ties in Europe (NATO, Marshall Plan, Mutual Defense Assistance Program) only marginally strengthened U.S. urgings that France make concessions to Vietnamese nationalism.'' Any leverage from these sources was severely limited by the broader considerations of U.S. policy for the containment of communism in Europe and Asia... To threaten France with economic and military sanctions in Europe in order to have it alter its policy in Indochina was, therefore, not plausible. Similarly, to reduce the level of military assistance to the French effort in Indochina would have been counter-productive, since it would have led to a further deterioration in the French military position there. ''In other words, there was a basic incompatibility in the two strands of U.S. policy: (1) Washington wanted France to fight the anti-communist war and win, preferably with U.S. guidance and advice; and (2) Washington expected the French, when battlefield victory was assured, to magnanimously withdraw from Indochina.''"</ref>
遶材料樓𠄼角、政府美"''擁護願望獨立民族在東南亞"''𥪝𪦆𣎏越南、仍唄條件領導𧵑仍茹渃㵋空擁護主義共産、戶特别擁護役成立各"''[[茹渃非共産]]"''穩定𥪝區域接夾中國。遶[[説Domino]]、美互助各同盟在東南亞底𢶢吏各封嘲𦓡戶朱羅"''力量共産㦖統治洲亞𤲂𢢅𣞻民族。"''<ref name="pent5">[http://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/pentagon/pent5.htm The Pentagon Papers, Chapter 2, "U.S. Involvement in the Franco-Viet Minh War, 1950-1955", MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT - Harry S. Truman President], trích "Recognition by the United States of the three legally constituted governments of Vietnam, Laos' and Cambodia appears desirable and in accordance with United States foreign policy for several reasons. ''Among them are: encouragement to national aspirations under non-Communist leadership for peoples of colonial areas in Southeast Asia; the establishment of stable non-Communist governments in areas adjacent to Communist China''; ''support to a friendly country which is also a signatory to the North Atlantic Treaty; and as a demonstration of displeasure with Communist tactics which are obviously aimed at eventual domination of Asia, working under the guise of indigenous nationalism''."</ref>美束逐法讓部主義民族在越南、仍𩈘恪戶空體割援助朱法爲𠱊𠅍𠫾同盟𠓀仍媒𢗼𡘯欣在洲歐。縿吏、正冊𧵑美𪞍2𩈘空相釋:𠬠𩈘互助𠊛法戰勝𥪝局戰𢶢[[越盟]] - 卒一羅𤲂事指導𧵑美、𩈘恪美預見𢖖欺戰勝、𠊛法𠱊 - 𠬠革高哿 - 𪮊塊東洋。<ref>[http://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/pentagon/pent5.htm The Pentagon Papers, Chapter 2, "U.S. Involvement in the Franco-Viet Minh War, 1950-1955"], Trích "''The U.S.-French ties in Europe (NATO, Marshall Plan, Mutual Defense Assistance Program) only marginally strengthened U.S. urgings that France make concessions to Vietnamese nationalism.'' Any leverage from these sources was severely limited by the broader considerations of U.S. policy for the containment of communism in Europe and Asia... To threaten France with economic and military sanctions in Europe in order to have it alter its policy in Indochina was, therefore, not plausible. Similarly, to reduce the level of military assistance to the French effort in Indochina would have been counter-productive, since it would have led to a further deterioration in the French military position there. ''In other words, there was a basic incompatibility in the two strands of U.S. policy: (1) Washington wanted France to fight the anti-communist war and win, preferably with U.S. guidance and advice; and (2) Washington expected the French, when battlefield victory was assured, to magnanimously withdraw from Indochina.''"</ref>

遶[[Félix Green]]、目標𧵑美空沛指𣎏越南吧東洋、𦓡羅全部塳[[東南亞]]、爲低羅 ''"𠬠𥪝仍區域蔞𢀭𣎏一世界、㐌𫘑𠚢朱計芾勝陣於東洋。𪦆羅理由解釋爲牢美𣈜強關心𦤾問題越南。。。對唄美𪦆羅𠬠區域沛𪫶𥙩凭不奇價芾"''<ref>Kẻ thù, Félix Green</ref>。𠬠數𠊛恪朱哴目標基本吧髏𨱽𧵑美羅㦖保衛事存在𧵑各政府身美在[[東南亞]]、空指𥆂爫"前臀𢶢主義共産"、𦓡過𪦆群維持影響髏𨱽𧵑"權力四本"美𨖲市場塳東南亞<ref>These states of capitalist countries were a thread not so much because they called themselves "socialist", but because they were competing capitalist powers and their market were largely closed to American business." - Sử gia Jonathan Neale.</ref><ref>Phỏng vấn Daniel Ellsberg trên CNN: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LctoUV-tag Chi tiết bài phỏng vấn trên Youtube]</ref> ("䀡添[[主義實民㵋]]")。
遶[[Félix Green]]、目標𧵑美空沛指𣎏越南吧東洋、𦓡羅全部塳[[東南亞]]、爲低羅 ''"𠬠𥪝仍區域蔞𢀭𣎏一世界、㐌𫘑𠚢朱計芾勝陣於東洋。𪦆羅理由解釋爲牢美𣈜強關心𦤾問題越南。。。對唄美𪦆羅𠬠區域沛𪫶𥙩凭不奇價芾"''<ref>Kẻ thù, Félix Green</ref>。𠬠數𠊛恪朱哴目標基本吧髏𨱽𧵑美羅㦖保衛事存在𧵑各政府身美在[[東南亞]]、空指𥆂爫"前臀𢶢主義共産"、𦓡過𪦆群維持影響髏𨱽𧵑"權力四本"美𨖲市場塳東南亞<ref>These states of capitalist countries were a thread not so much because they called themselves "socialist", but because they were competing capitalist powers and their market were largely closed to American business." - Sử gia Jonathan Neale.</ref><ref>Phỏng vấn Daniel Ellsberg trên CNN: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LctoUV-tag Chi tiết bài phỏng vấn trên Youtube]</ref> ("䀡添[[主義實民㵋]]")。

本身𠊛法拱顧𪟙𣍊飭底志𠃣拱𣎏𠬠"''𨇒脱名譽''"。𡢐失敗𧵑戰略''"打𪬭勝𪬭''".、底減𣼪壓力政治-軍事、法潭販唄[[保大]]吧仍政治家越南遶主義民族<ref>[https://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/pentagon/pent5.htm The Pentagon Papers, Gravel Edition, Chapter 2, "U.S. Involvement in the Franco-Viet Minh War, 1950-1954"] (Boston: Beacon Press, 1971), page 53,59, trích: "''The French did, however, recognize the requirement for an alternative focus for Vietnamese nationalist aspirations, and from 1947 forward, advanced the "Bao Dai solution... Within a month, an emissary journeyed into the jungle to deliver to Ho Chi Minh's government demands tantamount to unconditional surrender. About the same time, French representatives approached Bao Dai, the former Emperor of Annam, with proposals that he undertake to form a Vietnamese government as an alternate to Ho Chi Minh's. Being unable to force a military resolution, and having foreclosed meaningful negotiations with Ho, the French turned to Bao Dai as their sole prospect for extrication from the growing dilemma in Vietnam.''""</ref>𣎏立場𢶢[[政府聯協國民|政府抗戰越南民主共和]]底成立[[國家越南]]屬[[聯協法]]。細𡳳戰爭、軍隊國家越南㐌發展𨖲細230.000軍、佔60%力量聯協法於東洋、<ref>Võ Nguyên Giáp: Điện Biên Phủ, điểm hẹn lịch sử, tr.35</ref> 得達𤲂權指揮𧵑相[[阮文馨]]。<ref>Dommen, Athur J. ''The Indochinese Exprience of the French and the Americans, Nationalism and Communism in Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam''. Bloomington, IN: Đại học Indiana Press. Trang 196.</ref> 軍隊呢𠱊𧿨成檂榾𧵑[[軍力越南共和]]𡢐呢。<ref>[http://www.danchimviet.com/archives/9788 "Các lực lượng trong nước trong chiến tranh 1960-1975"]</ref>
本身𠊛法拱顧𪟙𣍊飭底志𠃣拱𣎏𠬠"''𨇒脱名譽''"。𢖖失敗𧵑戰略''"打𪬭勝𪬭''".、底減𣼪壓力政治-軍事、法潭販唄[[保大]]吧仍政治家越南遶主義民族<ref>[https://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/pentagon/pent5.htm The Pentagon Papers, Gravel Edition, Chapter 2, "U.S. Involvement in the Franco-Viet Minh War, 1950-1954"] (Boston: Beacon Press, 1971), page 53,59, trích: "''The French did, however, recognize the requirement for an alternative focus for Vietnamese nationalist aspirations, and from 1947 forward, advanced the "Bao Dai solution... Within a month, an emissary journeyed into the jungle to deliver to Ho Chi Minh's government demands tantamount to unconditional surrender. About the same time, French representatives approached Bao Dai, the former Emperor of Annam, with proposals that he undertake to form a Vietnamese government as an alternate to Ho Chi Minh's. Being unable to force a military resolution, and having foreclosed meaningful negotiations with Ho, the French turned to Bao Dai as their sole prospect for extrication from the growing dilemma in Vietnam.''""</ref>𣎏立場𢶢[[政府聯協國民|政府抗戰越南民主共和]]底成立[[國家越南]]屬[[聯協法]]。細𡳳戰爭、軍隊國家越南㐌發展𨖲細230.000軍、佔60%力量聯協法於東洋、<ref>Võ Nguyên Giáp: Điện Biên Phủ, điểm hẹn lịch sử, tr.35</ref> 得達𤲂權指揮𧵑相[[阮文馨]]。<ref>Dommen, Athur J. ''The Indochinese Exprience of the French and the Americans, Nationalism and Communism in Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam''. Bloomington, IN: Đại học Indiana Press. Trang 196.</ref> 軍隊呢𠱊𧿨成檂榾𧵑[[軍力越南共和]]𢖖呢。<ref>[http://www.danchimviet.com/archives/9788 "Các lực lượng trong nước trong chiến tranh 1960-1975"]</ref>

𠊛法𤍊𠚢𠃣𣎏熱情𢭲政府𡤔呢群𠊛美製{{r|𠴕|giễu}}法羅「殖民絕望」。答吏、𪰂法認定羅美過𤷙𠽔、吧𠬠𠊛法㐌吶𣦎羅「仍𠊛美𢛨𢥈𡀯𠊛恪、𤷙𠽔無方救𢵻、信想哴欺君隊法揬𨆢、每𠊛𠱊𧡊𡋂獨立𧵑𠊛越出現。」𤑟𠒥低羅𠬠句吶製{{r|𠴕|giễu}}仍伮吏正確爲仍𠊛美可𤷙𠽔吧幼稚欺𣱆𡤔𦤾越南。<ref>Alfred McCoy. [http://www.drugtext.org/The-Politics-of-Heroin-in-Southeast-Asia/5-south-vietnam-narcotics-in-the-nations-service.html South Vietnam: Narcotics in the Nation's Service]. Trích dẫn: "''The French had little enthusiasm for this emerging nation and its premier, and so the French had to go. Pressured by American military aid cutbacks and prodded by the Diem regime, the French stepped up their troop withdrawals. By April 1956 the once mighty French Expeditionary Corps had been reduced to less than 5,000 men, and American officers had taken over their jobs as advisers to the Vietnamese army. The Americans criticized the french as hopelessly "colonialist" in their attitudes, and French officials retorted that the Americans were naive During this difficult transition period one French official denounced "the meddling Americans who, in their incorrigible guilelessness, believed that once the French Army leaves, Vietnamese independence will burst forth for all to see." Although this French official was doubtlessly biased, he was also correct. There was a certain naiveness, a certain innocent freshness, surrounding many of the American officials who poured into Saigon in the mid 1950s."''"</ref>
𠊛法𤍊𠚢𠃣𣎏熱情𢭲政府𡤔呢群𠊛美製{{r|𠴕|giễu}}法羅「殖民絕望」。答吏、𪰂法認定羅美過𤷙𠽔、吧𠬠𠊛法㐌吶𣦎羅「仍𠊛美𢛨𢥈𡀯𠊛恪、𤷙𠽔無方救𢵻、信想哴欺君隊法揬𨆢、每𠊛𠱊𧡊𡋂獨立𧵑𠊛越出現。」𤑟𠒥低羅𠬠句吶製{{r|𠴕|giễu}}仍伮吏正確爲仍𠊛美可𤷙𠽔吧幼稚欺𣱆𡤔𦤾越南。<ref>Alfred McCoy. [http://www.drugtext.org/The-Politics-of-Heroin-in-Southeast-Asia/5-south-vietnam-narcotics-in-the-nations-service.html South Vietnam: Narcotics in the Nation's Service]. Trích dẫn: "''The French had little enthusiasm for this emerging nation and its premier, and so the French had to go. Pressured by American military aid cutbacks and prodded by the Diem regime, the French stepped up their troop withdrawals. By April 1956 the once mighty French Expeditionary Corps had been reduced to less than 5,000 men, and American officers had taken over their jobs as advisers to the Vietnamese army. The Americans criticized the french as hopelessly "colonialist" in their attitudes, and French officials retorted that the Americans were naive During this difficult transition period one French official denounced "the meddling Americans who, in their incorrigible guilelessness, believed that once the French Army leaves, Vietnamese independence will burst forth for all to see." Although this French official was doubtlessly biased, he was also correct. There was a certain naiveness, a certain innocent freshness, surrounding many of the American officials who poured into Saigon in the mid 1950s."''"</ref>

𢆥1953、每𣎃、美援助朱法20.000進武器吧軍柔每𣎃、𡢐𪦆美同意曾𨖲100.000 進/𣎃、𢷮吏政府美要求法沛𣎏結果具體。<ref>Cecil B. Currey, Chiến thắng bằng mọi giá, trang 267 - 268, Nxb Thế giới, 2013</ref> 欺戰爭枕𠞹𠓨𢆥1954、美㐌呂78%戰費朱法、<ref>The Pentagon Papers, Chapter 2, "U.S. Involvement in the Franco-Viet Minh War, 1950-1955"</ref>甚至非工美拱參加戰鬥拱法𥪝[[戰役奠邊府|陣奠邊府]]。時間呢於畢哿各級部𥪝軍隊遠征法調𣎏顧問美。𠊛美𣎏體𦤾不據兜檢查情形空勤事執順𧵑總指揮法。役美直接參戰在[[戰爭東洋]]指群羅問題時間1-2𢆥。甚至欺奠邊府危急、美㐌併細傳用[[武器瞎人|呠原子]]底救危朱法。<ref>[http://vov.vn/The-gioi/Ho-so/My-dinh-dung-bom-hat-nhan-giai-cuu-Dien-Bien-Phu/260811.vov Mỹ định dùng bom hạt nhân giải cứu Điện Biên Phủ ]</ref>
𢆥1953、每𣎃、美援助朱法20.000進武器吧軍柔每𣎃、𢖖𪦆美同意曾𨖲100.000 進/𣎃、𢷮吏政府美要求法沛𣎏結果具體。<ref>Cecil B. Currey, Chiến thắng bằng mọi giá, trang 267 - 268, Nxb Thế giới, 2013</ref> 欺戰爭枕𠞹𠓨𢆥1954、美㐌呂78%戰費朱法、<ref>The Pentagon Papers, Chapter 2, "U.S. Involvement in the Franco-Viet Minh War, 1950-1955"</ref>甚至非工美拱參加戰鬥拱法𥪝[[戰役奠邊府|陣奠邊府]]。時間呢於畢哿各級部𥪝軍隊遠征法調𣎏顧問美。𠊛美𣎏體𦤾不據兜檢查情形空勤事執順𧵑總指揮法。役美直接參戰在[[戰爭東洋]]指群羅問題時間1-2𢆥。甚至欺奠邊府危急、美㐌併細傳用[[武器瞎人|呠原子]]底救危朱法。<ref>[http://vov.vn/The-gioi/Ho-so/My-dinh-dung-bom-hat-nhan-giai-cuu-Dien-Bien-Phu/260811.vov Mỹ định dùng bom hạt nhân giải cứu Điện Biên Phủ ]</ref>

雖然公式 ''"援助美、遠征法、軍本處"'' 吻空究挽得失敗。𡢐欺失敗在[[奠邊府]]、[[法]]㐌𠅍𪳨意志接俗戰鬥在東洋。<ref>Harry G. Summers, Jr., ''Historical Atlas of the Vietnam War''. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1995. ISBN 0-395-72223-3</ref>
雖然公式 ''"援助美、遠征法、軍本處"'' 吻空究挽得失敗。𢖖欺失敗在[[奠邊府]]、[[法]]㐌𠅍𪳨意志接俗戰鬥在東洋。<ref>Harry G. Summers, Jr., ''Historical Atlas of the Vietnam War''. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1995. ISBN 0-395-72223-3</ref>

==== 越南被𢺺割 ====
==== 越南被𢺺割 ====
𣳔64: 𣳔64:
宣佈𡳳共𧵑會議𫂮𤑟:情狀𢺺割呢指羅'''暫時'''朱𦤾欺局總選舉自由統一越南𠱊得組織𠓨𣎃7/1956、𤲂事檢刷𧵑班監殺吧檢刷國際㐌内𥪝協定庭指戰事。同時宣佈𡳳共𧵑會議捈尔撝拱公認主權、統一、全院領土𧵑[[越南]]、[[高棉]]、[[老]]、吧𫂮認本宣佈𧵑政府法衛役産床𪮊軍隊法塊領土各渃呢遶要求吧綏順唄政權所在。宣佈呢群呐哴各政權在𠄩區域軍事在越南空得呂𫌵對唄仍𠊛㐌曾共作唄𪰂邊箕拱家庭戶<ref>[http://www.assembleenationale.fr/histoire/pierre-mendes_france/mendes_france-7.asp 17 tháng 6 năm 1955 discourse of Mendès-France] trên website của Quốc hội Pháp truy cập ngày 6-9-2007</ref>。本宣佈空𣎏𡦂記𧵑不據派段芾參譽會議<ref>[https://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/pentagon/pent8.htm The Pentagon Papers, Gravel Edition, Volume 1, Chapter 3, "The Geneva Conference, May-July, 1954" (Boston: Beacon Press, 1971)]. Trích: ''Despite article 27 of the agreement on Vietnam, which bound "successors" (such as Vietnam) to the signatories to respect and enforce the agreement, Vietnam was in a legally persuasive position to argue that France could not assume liabilities in its behalf, least of all to the political provisions contained in the Final Declaration, which was an unsigned document.''.</ref> 雖然吻得各渃甘結執順正式。<ref name="Đại cương 125">Lê Mậu Hãn (chủ biên), Trần Bá Đệ, Nguyễn Văn Thư..., ''Đại cương Lịch sử Việt Nam - Tập 3'''.NXB Giáo dục. Hà Nội. 2007. Trang 125.</ref>
宣佈𡳳共𧵑會議𫂮𤑟:情狀𢺺割呢指羅'''暫時'''朱𦤾欺局總選舉自由統一越南𠱊得組織𠓨𣎃7/1956、𤲂事檢刷𧵑班監殺吧檢刷國際㐌内𥪝協定庭指戰事。同時宣佈𡳳共𧵑會議捈尔撝拱公認主權、統一、全院領土𧵑[[越南]]、[[高棉]]、[[老]]、吧𫂮認本宣佈𧵑政府法衛役産床𪮊軍隊法塊領土各渃呢遶要求吧綏順唄政權所在。宣佈呢群呐哴各政權在𠄩區域軍事在越南空得呂𫌵對唄仍𠊛㐌曾共作唄𪰂邊箕拱家庭戶<ref>[http://www.assembleenationale.fr/histoire/pierre-mendes_france/mendes_france-7.asp 17 tháng 6 năm 1955 discourse of Mendès-France] trên website của Quốc hội Pháp truy cập ngày 6-9-2007</ref>。本宣佈空𣎏𡦂記𧵑不據派段芾參譽會議<ref>[https://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/pentagon/pent8.htm The Pentagon Papers, Gravel Edition, Volume 1, Chapter 3, "The Geneva Conference, May-July, 1954" (Boston: Beacon Press, 1971)]. Trích: ''Despite article 27 of the agreement on Vietnam, which bound "successors" (such as Vietnam) to the signatories to respect and enforce the agreement, Vietnam was in a legally persuasive position to argue that France could not assume liabilities in its behalf, least of all to the political provisions contained in the Final Declaration, which was an unsigned document.''.</ref> 雖然吻得各渃甘結執順正式。<ref name="Đại cương 125">Lê Mậu Hãn (chủ biên), Trần Bá Đệ, Nguyễn Văn Thư..., ''Đại cương Lịch sử Việt Nam - Tập 3'''.NXB Giáo dục. Hà Nội. 2007. Trang 125.</ref>

𠓀欺協約捈尔撝得寄結6巡、法㐌寄𫁅唄國家越南[[協約Matignon(1954)]]𠓨𣈜4/6/1954𡨌首相[[Joseph Laniel]]吧首相[[阮福寶祿]]公認國家越南完全獨立。政府呢𠱊空群被𢬥𢷏𤳸仍協約由法寄結。仍拱𣎏仍立論朱哴國家越南吻被𢬥𢷏𤳸協定捈尔撝、𤳸爲政府呢指础有𠬠𠄽屬併𧵑𠬠主權𪞅𨇜、吧特别羅伮輔屬𠓨法衛國防。<ref>[https://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/pentagon/pent13.htm The Pentagon Papers Gravel Edition Volume 1, Chapter 5, "Origins of the Insurgency in South Vietnam, 1954-1960" (Boston: Beacon Press, 1971)] Trích: "''France, as the third party in Vietnam, then became pivotal to any political settlement, its executor for the West. But '''France had agreed to full independence for the GVN on ngày 4 tháng 6 năm 1954, nearly six weeks before the end of the Geneva Conference'''. By the terms of that June agreement, the GVN assumed responsibility for international contracts previously made on its behalf by France; but, there having been no reference to subsequent contracts, it was technically free of the Geneva Agreements. It has been argued to the contrary that the GVN was bound by Geneva because it possessed at the time few of the attributes of full sovereignty, and especially because it was dependent on France for defense.''".</ref> 同時、𥪝時間𡢐𪦆、意識得政府胡志明㐌認得事擁護𢌌待𧵑群眾、𪰂法拱𣎏仍𨀈𠫾𥆂達關係外交唄越南民主共和。<ref>Alfred McCoy. [http://www.drugtext.org/The-Politics-of-Heroin-in-Southeast-Asia/5-south-vietnam-narcotics-in-the-nations-service.html South Vietnam: Narcotics in the Nation's Service]. Trích dẫn: "''Convinced that Ho Chi Minh and the Communist Viet Minh were going to score an overwhelming electoral victory, the French began negotiating a diplomatic understanding with the government in Hanoi.''"</ref>
𠓀欺協約捈尔撝得寄結6巡、法㐌寄𫁅唄國家越南[[協約Matignon(1954)]]𠓨𣈜4/6/1954𡨌首相[[Joseph Laniel]]吧首相[[阮福寶祿]]公認國家越南完全獨立。政府呢𠱊空群被𢬥𢷏𤳸仍協約由法寄結。仍拱𣎏仍立論朱哴國家越南吻被𢬥𢷏𤳸協定捈尔撝、𤳸爲政府呢指础有𠬠𠄽屬併𧵑𠬠主權𪞅𨇜、吧特别羅伮輔屬𠓨法衛國防。<ref>[https://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/pentagon/pent13.htm The Pentagon Papers Gravel Edition Volume 1, Chapter 5, "Origins of the Insurgency in South Vietnam, 1954-1960" (Boston: Beacon Press, 1971)] Trích: "''France, as the third party in Vietnam, then became pivotal to any political settlement, its executor for the West. But '''France had agreed to full independence for the GVN on ngày 4 tháng 6 năm 1954, nearly six weeks before the end of the Geneva Conference'''. By the terms of that June agreement, the GVN assumed responsibility for international contracts previously made on its behalf by France; but, there having been no reference to subsequent contracts, it was technically free of the Geneva Agreements. It has been argued to the contrary that the GVN was bound by Geneva because it possessed at the time few of the attributes of full sovereignty, and especially because it was dependent on France for defense.''".</ref> 同時、𥪝時間𢖖𪦆、意識得政府胡志明㐌認得事擁護𢌌待𧵑群眾、𪰂法拱𣎏仍𨀈𠫾𥆂達關係外交唄越南民主共和。<ref>Alfred McCoy. [http://www.drugtext.org/The-Politics-of-Heroin-in-Southeast-Asia/5-south-vietnam-narcotics-in-the-nations-service.html South Vietnam: Narcotics in the Nation's Service]. Trích dẫn: "''Convinced that Ho Chi Minh and the Communist Viet Minh were going to score an overwhelming electoral victory, the French began negotiating a diplomatic understanding with the government in Hanoi.''"</ref>

派段[[國家越南]](參加談盼)㐌自嚉記吧空公認協定捈尔撝、同時𠚢宣佈協定捈尔撝諸 "''仍條款𢲧危害𥘀𪿗朱將來政治𧵑國家越南''" 吧 "''空尊重願望漊賖𧵑民越''"、𤳸部司令法㐌 "''讓朱越盟仍塳𦓡軍隊國家群㨂軍吧爵𠅍𧵑越南權組織防首''" 吧 "''自印定𣈜組織選舉𦓡空𣎏事綏順唄派段國家越南''"<ref name=quansu>Quân sử (QLVNCH) tập 4. NXb Đại Nam. Chương 3: Các diễn tiến trong việc hình thành quân đội quốc gia. Trang 202</ref>。宣佈拱朱别國家越南𠱊 "''自𪺓朱𨉟權完全自由行動底保衛權𪬮靈𧵑民族越南𥪝工局實現統一、獨立、吧自由朱處楚''"。<ref>[http://www.vietbao.com/?ppid=45&pid=45&nid=131612 Hiệp định Genève 20-7-1954, Trần Gia Phụng, Việt báo Online]</ref> 派段花旗拱自嚉寄協定吧宣佈空被𢬥𢷏𠓨仍規定𧘇、仍呐添渃呢 ''"𠱊䁛每事再演𧵑各行動爆力爲犯協定羅條當𢥈𪿒吧羅媒砥𡃏嚴重對唄和平吧安寧國際"''。𥪝宣佈𧵑𨉟、對唄問題總選舉統一越南、政府美𪲍𤑟觀點 "''接俗顧亙達得事統一通過仍局選舉自由得監察𤳸聯協國底保擔眾演𠚢公平''"。<ref>[http://vietnam.vassar.edu/overview/doc3.html Tuyên bố của Mỹ tại Hội nghị Genève 1955 (bản tiếng Anh)]</ref>
派段[[國家越南]](參加談盼)㐌自嚉記吧空公認協定捈尔撝、同時𠚢宣佈協定捈尔撝諸 "''仍條款𢲧危害𥘀𪿗朱將來政治𧵑國家越南''" 吧 "''空尊重願望漊賖𧵑民越''"、𤳸部司令法㐌 "''讓朱越盟仍塳𦓡軍隊國家群㨂軍吧爵𠅍𧵑越南權組織防首''" 吧 "''自印定𣈜組織選舉𦓡空𣎏事綏順唄派段國家越南''"<ref name=quansu>Quân sử (QLVNCH) tập 4. NXb Đại Nam. Chương 3: Các diễn tiến trong việc hình thành quân đội quốc gia. Trang 202</ref>。宣佈拱朱别國家越南𠱊 "''自𪺓朱𨉟權完全自由行動底保衛權𪬮靈𧵑民族越南𥪝工局實現統一、獨立、吧自由朱處楚''"。<ref>[http://www.vietbao.com/?ppid=45&pid=45&nid=131612 Hiệp định Genève 20-7-1954, Trần Gia Phụng, Việt báo Online]</ref> 派段花旗拱自嚉寄協定吧宣佈空被𢬥𢷏𠓨仍規定𧘇、仍呐添渃呢 ''"𠱊䁛每事再演𧵑各行動爆力爲犯協定羅條當𢥈𪿒吧羅媒砥𡃏嚴重對唄和平吧安寧國際"''。𥪝宣佈𧵑𨉟、對唄問題總選舉統一越南、政府美𪲍𤑟觀點 "''接俗顧亙達得事統一通過仍局選舉自由得監察𤳸聯協國底保擔眾演𠚢公平''"。<ref>[http://vietnam.vassar.edu/overview/doc3.html Tuyên bố của Mỹ tại Hội nghị Genève 1955 (bản tiếng Anh)]</ref>

結果協定:[[軍隊人民越南]]、力量㐌掙勝利𡢐局戰、褶結衛沔北。力量[[國家越南]]共唄軍隊法褶結衛沔南。遶統計𧵑委班國際監察庭戰𣎏892.876民常遺居自沔北𠓨沔南越南<ref name="insurgency">[http://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/pentagon/pent13.htm The Pentagon Papers - Volume 1, Chapter 5, "Origins of the Insurgency in South Vietnam, 1955-1960"]</ref>、𥪝欺140.000𠊛恪自沔南褶結𠚢北。軍隊法夤𥳄𪮊塊沔南吧掉權力朱政權國家越南。
結果協定:[[軍隊人民越南]]、力量㐌掙勝利𢖖局戰、褶結衛沔北。力量[[國家越南]]共唄軍隊法褶結衛沔南。遶統計𧵑委班國際監察庭戰𣎏892.876民常遺居自沔北𠓨沔南越南<ref name="insurgency">[http://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/pentagon/pent13.htm The Pentagon Papers - Volume 1, Chapter 5, "Origins of the Insurgency in South Vietnam, 1955-1960"]</ref>、𥪝欺140.000𠊛恪自沔南褶結𠚢北。軍隊法夤𥳄𪮊塊沔南吧掉權力朱政權國家越南。

政權[[國家越南]](前身𧵑[[越南共和]])自嚉協商總選舉自由唄理由𦓡[[首相]][[吳廷琰]]迻𠚢羅 "''儀疑衛役𣎏體擔保仍條件𧵑局保舉自由於沔北''"。<ref>Denis Warner, ''Certain victory - How Hanoi won the war'', Sheed Andrews and McMeel, Inc, 1978, tr. 110 (phỏng vấn của tác giả với Ngô Đình Diệm)</ref> 欺𧿨成總統越南共和、吳廷琰群𠚢𡗉宣佈攻擊政府越南民主共和。<ref name="insurgency1">The Reunification of Vietnam, PRESIDENT NGO DINH DIEM'S BROADCAST DECLARATION ON THE GENEVA AGREEMENTS AND FREE ELECTIONS (ngày 16 tháng 7 năm 1955), page 24, Vietnam bulletin - a weekly publication of the Embassy of Vietnam in United States, Special issue No.16, Available [http://www.vietnam.ttu.edu/star/images/1653/16530101012.pdf online] Trích: "Our policy is a policy for peace. But nothing will lead us astray of our goal, the unity of our country, a unity in freedom and not in slavery. Serving the cause of our nation, more than ever we will struggle for the reunification of our homeland. We do not reject the principle of free elections as peaceful and democratic means to achieve that unity. However, if elections constitute one of the bases of true democracy, they will be meaningful only on the condition that they be absolutely free. Now, faced with a regime of oppression as practiced by the Viet Minh, we remain skeptical concerning the possibility of fulfilling the conditions of free elections in the North." dịch là "''Chính sách của chúng tôi là chính sách hoà bình. Nhưng không có gì có thể khiến chúng tôi đi chệch khỏi mục tiêu của chúng tôi là sự thống nhất đất nước, thống nhất trong tự do chứ không phải trong nô lệ. Vì dân tộc, chúng tôi sẽ đấu tranh hết sức mình cho sự thống nhất đất nước. Chúng tôi không từ chối nguyên tắc tuyển cử tự do để thống nhất đất nước một cách hoà bình và dân chủ. Tuy nhiên nếu những cuộc bầu cử tạo thành một trong những nền tảng cơ bản của nền dân chủ thật sự thì chúng chỉ có ý nghĩa với điều kiện chúng hoàn toàn tự do. Hiện nay, thực tế phải đối mặt với chế độ áp bức của Việt Minh, chúng tôi nghi ngờ về việc có thể bảo đảm những điều kiện của cuộc bầu cử tự do ở miền Bắc''."</ref>
政權[[國家越南]](前身𧵑[[越南共和]])自嚉協商總選舉自由唄理由𦓡[[首相]][[吳廷琰]]迻𠚢羅 "''儀疑衛役𣎏體擔保仍條件𧵑局保舉自由於沔北''"。<ref>Denis Warner, ''Certain victory - How Hanoi won the war'', Sheed Andrews and McMeel, Inc, 1978, tr. 110 (phỏng vấn của tác giả với Ngô Đình Diệm)</ref> 欺𧿨成總統越南共和、吳廷琰群𠚢𡗉宣佈攻擊政府越南民主共和。<ref name="insurgency1">The Reunification of Vietnam, PRESIDENT NGO DINH DIEM'S BROADCAST DECLARATION ON THE GENEVA AGREEMENTS AND FREE ELECTIONS (ngày 16 tháng 7 năm 1955), page 24, Vietnam bulletin - a weekly publication of the Embassy of Vietnam in United States, Special issue No.16, Available [http://www.vietnam.ttu.edu/star/images/1653/16530101012.pdf online] Trích: "Our policy is a policy for peace. But nothing will lead us astray of our goal, the unity of our country, a unity in freedom and not in slavery. Serving the cause of our nation, more than ever we will struggle for the reunification of our homeland. We do not reject the principle of free elections as peaceful and democratic means to achieve that unity. However, if elections constitute one of the bases of true democracy, they will be meaningful only on the condition that they be absolutely free. Now, faced with a regime of oppression as practiced by the Viet Minh, we remain skeptical concerning the possibility of fulfilling the conditions of free elections in the North." dịch là "''Chính sách của chúng tôi là chính sách hoà bình. Nhưng không có gì có thể khiến chúng tôi đi chệch khỏi mục tiêu của chúng tôi là sự thống nhất đất nước, thống nhất trong tự do chứ không phải trong nô lệ. Vì dân tộc, chúng tôi sẽ đấu tranh hết sức mình cho sự thống nhất đất nước. Chúng tôi không từ chối nguyên tắc tuyển cử tự do để thống nhất đất nước một cách hoà bình và dân chủ. Tuy nhiên nếu những cuộc bầu cử tạo thành một trong những nền tảng cơ bản của nền dân chủ thật sự thì chúng chỉ có ý nghĩa với điều kiện chúng hoàn toàn tự do. Hiện nay, thực tế phải đối mặt với chế độ áp bức của Việt Minh, chúng tôi nghi ngờ về việc có thể bảo đảm những điều kiện của cuộc bầu cử tự do ở miền Bắc''."</ref>
𣳔76: 𣳔76:
如丕、𥌀𡗅過程參加𧵑各邊參戰、戰爭越南羅𨀈接𦇒底解決仍目標𦓡哿𠄩邊𣗓爫得𥪝[[戰爭東洋]]。[[越南民主共和]]吧[[𩈘陣民族解放沔南越南]]㦖掙獨立、統一朱越南。目標𧵑越南共和 - 遶宣佈𠓀𪦆𧵑[[首相]][[國家越南]][[吳廷琰]] - 羅 "''統一坦渃𥪝自由𠹲空沛𥪝駑泪''";𣱆自嘬潭判或總選舉唄[[越南民主共和]]<ref name="insurgency1"/>。群花旗時㦖接俗試行[[説domino|正册𢶢共]]於[[東南亞]]、不計事失敗𧵑渃法。
如丕、𥌀𡗅過程參加𧵑各邊參戰、戰爭越南羅𨀈接𦇒底解決仍目標𦓡哿𠄩邊𣗓爫得𥪝[[戰爭東洋]]。[[越南民主共和]]吧[[𩈘陣民族解放沔南越南]]㦖掙獨立、統一朱越南。目標𧵑越南共和 - 遶宣佈𠓀𪦆𧵑[[首相]][[國家越南]][[吳廷琰]] - 羅 "''統一坦渃𥪝自由𠹲空沛𥪝駑泪''";𣱆自嘬潭判或總選舉唄[[越南民主共和]]<ref name="insurgency1"/>。群花旗時㦖接俗試行[[説domino|正册𢶢共]]於[[東南亞]]、不計事失敗𧵑渃法。

𡗉茹史學䁛2局戰實質指羅1吧噲𪦆羅 ''"局戰𨑮𠦳𣈜"''、階段和平1955-1959實質指羅拯持暫時。遶[[Daniel Ellsberg]]、𣦍自頭伮㐌羅𠬠局戰𧵑美:班頭羅[[法]]吧美、𡢐𪦆美𪫶完全。𥪝哿𠄩場合、伮羅𠬠局鬥爭𧵑𠊛越南 - 𠶢空沛羅畢哿[[𠊛越]] - 仍拱𨇜底維持局戰鬥𢶢吏武器、顧問朱細君遠征𧵑美<ref>Daniel Ellsberg trong cuốn Secrets: A Memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers, Viking, 2002, p.255: ''Không làm gì có chiến tranh Đông Dương thứ nhất và thứ nhì, chỉ có một cuộc xung đột nối tiếp trong một phần tư thế kỷ. Dùng ngôn từ thực tế, đứng về một phía (Mỹ), ngay từ đầu nó đã là một cuộc chiến của Mỹ: mới đầu là Pháp-Mỹ, sau đến toàn là Mỹ. Trong cả hai trường hợp, nó là một cuộc đấu tranh của người Việt Nam – không phải là tất cả người Việt Nam nhưng cũng đủ để duy trì cuộc đấu tranh – chống chính sách của Mỹ và những kinh viện, ủy nhiệm, kỹ thuật gia, hỏa lực, và cuối cùng, quân đội và phi công, của Mỹ.''</ref>。遶Alfred McCoy、𥆾吏仍正册𧵑美𡢐欺協定捈尔撝得寄結、仍材料五角臺㐌結論哴 "''南越南𡗅基本羅𠬠𤎜造𧵑花旗''" :"''空𣎏美互助時艷候如質振空體鞏顧權力於沔南 越𥪝時期1955-1956。空𣎏美𠴓 𡃏乾帖、南越南空體自嚉甚至哿役討論衛局總選舉𢆥1956遶協定捈尔撝𦓡空備力量武装𧵑越盟勒覩。空𣎏援助美𥪝仍𠄼接遶時製度艷吧𪤍獨立𧵑南越南候如拱空體芾存在得。''"<ref>Alfred McCoy. [http://www.drugtext.org/The-Politics-of-Heroin-in-Southeast-Asia/5-south-vietnam-narcotics-in-the-nations-service.html South Vietnam: Narcotics in the Nation's Service]. Trích dẫn: "''Looking back on America's postGeneva policies from the vantage point of the mid 1960s, the Pentagon Papers concluded that South Vietnam "was essentially the creation of the United States": "Without U.S. support Diem almost certainly could not have consolidated his hold on the South during 1955 and 1956. Without the threat of U.S. intervention, South Vietnam could not have refused to even discuss the elections called for in 1956 under the Geneva settlement without being immediately overrun by Viet Minh armies. Without U.S. aid in the years following, the Diem regime certainly, and independent South Vietnam almost as certainly, could not have survived."''"</ref> 尙議士(𡢐羅總統美)John F. Kennedy時宣佈: ''"伮(越南共和)羅𡥵𤯿𧵑眾些。眾些空體自𠬃奴"''。<ref>Robert S.Mc.Namara: Nhìn lại quá khứ. Tấn thảm kịch và những bài học Việt Nam, Nxb Chính trị quốc gia, Hà Nội, 1995, tr.43-44.</ref>
𡗉茹史學䁛2局戰實質指羅1吧噲𪦆羅 ''"局戰𨑮𠦳𣈜"''、階段和平1955-1959實質指羅拯持暫時。遶[[Daniel Ellsberg]]、𣦍自頭伮㐌羅𠬠局戰𧵑美:班頭羅[[法]]吧美、𢖖𪦆美𪫶完全。𥪝哿𠄩場合、伮羅𠬠局鬥爭𧵑𠊛越南 - 𠶢空沛羅畢哿[[𠊛越]] - 仍拱𨇜底維持局戰鬥𢶢吏武器、顧問朱細君遠征𧵑美<ref>Daniel Ellsberg trong cuốn Secrets: A Memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers, Viking, 2002, p.255: ''Không làm gì có chiến tranh Đông Dương thứ nhất và thứ nhì, chỉ có một cuộc xung đột nối tiếp trong một phần tư thế kỷ. Dùng ngôn từ thực tế, đứng về một phía (Mỹ), ngay từ đầu nó đã là một cuộc chiến của Mỹ: mới đầu là Pháp-Mỹ, sau đến toàn là Mỹ. Trong cả hai trường hợp, nó là một cuộc đấu tranh của người Việt Nam – không phải là tất cả người Việt Nam nhưng cũng đủ để duy trì cuộc đấu tranh – chống chính sách của Mỹ và những kinh viện, ủy nhiệm, kỹ thuật gia, hỏa lực, và cuối cùng, quân đội và phi công, của Mỹ.''</ref>。遶Alfred McCoy、𥆾吏仍正册𧵑美𢖖欺協定捈尔撝得寄結、仍材料五角臺㐌結論哴 "''南越南𡗅基本羅𠬠𤎜造𧵑花旗''" :"''空𣎏美互助時艷候如質振空體鞏顧權力於沔南 越𥪝時期1955-1956。空𣎏美𠴓 𡃏乾帖、南越南空體自嚉甚至哿役討論衛局總選舉𢆥1956遶協定捈尔撝𦓡空備力量武装𧵑越盟勒覩。空𣎏援助美𥪝仍𠄼接遶時製度艷吧𪤍獨立𧵑南越南候如拱空體芾存在得。''"<ref>Alfred McCoy. [http://www.drugtext.org/The-Politics-of-Heroin-in-Southeast-Asia/5-south-vietnam-narcotics-in-the-nations-service.html South Vietnam: Narcotics in the Nation's Service]. Trích dẫn: "''Looking back on America's postGeneva policies from the vantage point of the mid 1960s, the Pentagon Papers concluded that South Vietnam "was essentially the creation of the United States": "Without U.S. support Diem almost certainly could not have consolidated his hold on the South during 1955 and 1956. Without the threat of U.S. intervention, South Vietnam could not have refused to even discuss the elections called for in 1956 under the Geneva settlement without being immediately overrun by Viet Minh armies. Without U.S. aid in the years following, the Diem regime certainly, and independent South Vietnam almost as certainly, could not have survived."''"</ref> 尙議士(𢖖羅總統美)John F. Kennedy時宣佈: ''"伮(越南共和)羅𡥵𤯿𧵑眾些。眾些空體自𠬃奴"''。<ref>Robert S.Mc.Namara: Nhìn lại quá khứ. Tấn thảm kịch và những bài học Việt Nam, Nxb Chính trị quốc gia, Hà Nội, 1995, tr.43-44.</ref>

=== 階段1954-1959 ===
=== 階段1954-1959 ===
